
Investment Wellness + Beauty Tools I Love

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Working from home has always been the norm for me being self employed, but doing just about everything else at home this past 18 months has, like for us all, become slightly tiresome + a little repetitive. I’m definitely not complaining one bit as it’s very much a first-world problem (I’m in no way discounting how blessed I am to have somewhere safe to call home) but I guess it had become more + more important to ensure we’d been doing all the nice little things possible to make the whole experience a little brighter + lighter. While I’m not exactly the girl who has a million things in my social diary as lockdown slowly lifts - book me dinner with friends + get me home by 11 + I’m a happy lady. Apart from restaurants + cute weekend brunches though, one thing I’m definitely excited to have back in our lives is the ability to book in for a facial (I literally booked in with my facialist on her first day back) or a major ‘beat-the-crap-out-of-those-shoulder-knots” massage.. now that’s what I call LIT!! Totally my jam.

However, in spending so much time at home through it all, it’s been pretty cool to see what we CAN do in terms of our beauty routines + what treatments, I for one, will definitely continue to enjoy at home which includes some of the beauty tools I’ve invested in + used + truly love. Here today I’m talking about the investment beauty + wellness tools that, if you’re in the market for something new or uplifting, I absolutely recommend.


I’d been wanting to try the Higher Dose at-home Sauna Blanket for a while + in December I took the leap to buy it. It’s basically a sleeping bag/blanket that acts as a sauna, the benefits of which are on par with an in-person session in an infrared sauna. I’m someone who LOVES to get a good sweat on, whether working out or doing Bikram (I get the reddest red face of.all.time - I’m an over-heater if ever you met one). I love the feeling of toxic release. It feels like a tonic to me. So with Higher Dose, it’s super simple, all you do is set up where you want to do it (always ensuring the wire isn’t under the blanket), let it heat for 10 minutes + then enjoy the time to relax, read (if you’re keeping your arms out of the blanket itself), watch a movie or, like I sometimes do, lay in the dark with a chic R O A D S candle lit + listen to a meditation // audiobook // podcast.

The benefits of Higher Dose are pretty incredible + as I’m not a healthcare professional of any sort, I share only my own experience - for me it’s been things like better sleep, increased mood + a lift in my energy levels as I find the time I spend in the blanket entirely relaxing that I absolutely see a boost in my energy the day after which is of course helped by the better sleep the blanket encourages.

SHOP at HIGHERDOSE.COM + use my personalised discount code HAUTE75 for $/€75 off your purchase..


Next up is a new best friend to my nails. Manucurist is the BOMB!! I love it. I feel clean + fresh when I have my nails done + I’d been missed having the luxury of a nice manicure. However, since I tried Manucurist I’m all about my at-home DIY job. It’s super quick, so effective + fabulously glossy with no mess. It takes just about 8 minutes in total too so it’s perfect for while I’m on a (non-video) call or sitting at my desk listening to something. You can read all about it at Manucurist.com but basically it’s the first ‘clean’ non-toxic gel polish on the market so it’s also a super healthy option for your nails + I’ve been using it for a few months now + can attest to the fact that it doesn’t peel any layers of your nails or leave you with chipped varnish, in fact it lasts about 10 days; no joke.

SHOP at M A N U R C U R I S T . C O M



Like many big investment pieces, I do a lot of research into which one I really want to go with, always staying clear of or at least being aware of the many fads that storm their way through IG + my at-home LED ‘mask’ was definitely one I was super cautious about. With so many on the market I was unsure which weren’t just a trend + I also really wanted one that was FDA approved (be aware that most aren’t). So, as with all things skin related I asked my facialist Dawn, the founder of Floraison, which mask she would recommend. Enter Celluma Face LED. This isn’t a traditional ‘mask’ so-to-speak - not like the ones you typically see on IG these days, but rather a wrap which, with it’s flexibility means it can actually be used on many parts of the body like arms, legs, or the chest + neck area. LED light therapy has been around for a long time but in recent years, you’ve most likely seen how it’s been zapped up by the beauty industry + made into a highly commercial trend of sorts. However, what isn’t a quick trend is the medical grade technology of Celluma’s scientifically proven ability to provide the compromised cells in our skin the opportunity for tissue repair, an increase in micro-circulation + decreased inflammation which together, support the skin in it’s natural ability to look + feel healthy. And who’s not into that. With two settings, the Celluma is multifaceted + allows for the treatment of wrinkles + acne at a more topical level, while at a more muscular level, the management of pain + deeper healing. The Celluma isn’t just any ‘mask’, it’s a medical grade experience at home.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of an at-home LED mask, I absolutely recommend the Celluma as a brand + would propose you speak with Dawn about it directly if you’re considering investing.

SHOP at F L O R A I S O N . I E


Working as an effective exfoliation procedure, dermaplaning is one of the hot topics on the agenda of beauty seekers and aestheticians alike. Short + sweet, the procedure is very simple with endless results. DERMAFLASH allows for the ability to do derma planing at home safely; derma planing consists of a sterile surgical blade which gently “shaves” off the surface of the skin in order to remove all excess dead skin + peach fuzz hair around the face. 

Again another thing I love to get done in normal times when getting a facial, it was suddenly no longer an option during lockdown so I thought I’d try this + I’ve not looked back. It’s not for everyone but I love the results. So easy to use + with very little way to do it ‘wrong’ (make sure to watch the videos on the Dermaflash website here though to ensure full safety) or harm your skin, it’s a really good investment if you’re looking to continue your dermaplaning journey at home. I love it.

SHOP at C U L T B E A U T Y . C O M

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I’ve had my FaceGym Pro Tool for a long time now + absolutely love it.

The whole idea behind FaceGym is genius. It’s that, just like we workout our bodies, so should we approach the muscles in our face the same way. It was founded by Inge Theron who once worked for the Financial Times as one of their Wellness, Beauty + Spa writers where she shared her tried + tested reviews of endless amounts of beauty + wellness retreats, procedures + treatments in her column, ‘Chronicles of a Spa Junkie’ until one particular face-lifting procedure went wrong + left her house bound. She then sought to find the most organic way of working-out + lifting the face + so, FaceGym was born.

The brand now has 13 studios across the UK + US territories + is honestly such a fun way to get a facial in when you can get to a physical location.. However when at home or if you can’t get to one in person, their FaceGym Pro Tool, created in partnership with Xtreem Pulse is a powerful + non-invasive addition to any any-home skincare routine; it simply uses electrical pulses to stimulate your muscles just like we do our body when we workout. I use mine several days or nights a week alongside my Gua Sha routine + genuinely adore it for taking the tightening + toning in the face to another level. I see + feel a real difference with this in my weekly routine.

SHOP at F A C E G Y M . C O M


Dawn Hill of Florasion; The Interview

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

HSF - Dawn, as you’ve taught me, skin + skincare are such individualised experiences for each person. My own understanding + patience with myself has depended since working with you; thank you for that. Explain though in your own words what your philosophy with skin is…

DH - My Philosophy with skin has always been about education. Educating my clients on their skin, on products + what truly works is key for me. A fast sell has never been the aim, because I’ve been there.  I’ve left salons with a bag full of expensive products without a clue why I actually handed over all that cash. Starting small is important. When you’re educated about your skin, why it behaves how it does + how to care for it properly, you become the master of it + learn to love it more. 

HSF - As you say here, your work is about the long haul, about investing in our skin + not falling for the often BS promises the beauty industry “guarantees” us. How do you manage people’s desire for instant results + the reality that good things take time - especially now in a world full of immediate gratification..

DH - To be honest I’m straight up from the get-go. New clients can often be taken aback by my honesty + openness about the industry. I’ve worked in beauty from so many angles - from blogging back in the day, to becoming a beauty journalist, to working in beauty PR + being a brand manager for some of the most well-know brands in Ireland. I know what goes into selling a product, how to market it to the masses + most of it is BS. The beauty industry can promise the world, but rarely does it deliver. It’s all about sales at the end of the day. I tell clients all the time to manage expectation of what skincare can actually do. Although the skincare industry is booming + is always evolving, there is a limit to what it can do. I’m real about that. There are so many factors that contribute to healthy skin, skincare is a small part of it. 

HSF - I certainly don’t need persuading (fully addicted since starting on a consistent routine with the brand last year) but explain, if you will, the reasons for your love of Biologique Recherche as a strong foundational range of products for anyone’s routine + why you chose to work with them over any other brand at that high-end level..

DH - I couldn’t have started my facial studio with anything else. Genuinely. BR works, there are no two ways about it. They don’t follow trends, they set them.  They don’t include ingredients ‘on trend’, they work with ingredients that work in-sync with your skin. They also don’t put money into clever marketing + PR strategies, instead they invest in research + development. I’ve seen BR change my clients skin into healthy, stronger skin. The main thing about BR is how bespoke it is. Every serum concoction, mask mixture is done so with YOUR skin in mind. So the finish is bespoke to you, always. 


HSF - What are your favourite products from BR?

DH - Where to begin!! I can’t be without Serum 3R, Masque Biofixine, Masque Vernix, P50V, the finishing serums, creme acides de fruites, Lait VIP02, mask vivant. There are a lot!!

HSF - Good things come to those who wait (+ work consistently toward what they want) I’ve found. How long does it take most people to find balance with their skin so that you can actually step up the routine to begin to see results?

DH - I always tell clients to give it about 4-6 months. That may sound like a ling time, but absolutely nothing works overnight. Usually to be honest, it’s a year after clients first start on their skincare journey with me that we see the most spectacular results. And by then, they’re so educated about their skin + know it so well, they barely need me anymore!! 

HSF - Your clinic, Florasion, is the physical manifestation of your expertise + passion for helping people achieve their best. How is it running your own business? And how have you had to pivot during these times? (You’re a true inspiration)

DH - Running a business, especially during a pandemic has been + is a rollercoaster. It can be exhausting trying to keep it going + continuously think outside the box + adapt. But I have + always have had a vision for Floraison + slowly but surely it’s coming into fruition. I just want to create something a little different. It can be hard staying in your own lane too, your own bubble when there’s so much going on in the industry. You can start to question yourself + your abilities but I think if your vision is strong enough, it can keep you going. 

HSF - Where does the name Florasion come from? 

DH - Floraison is actually French for bloom. I absolutely love florals + the whole process of blooming + have done since I was a little girl. It was the perfect name for the business I wanted to create. A space for women to bloom, skin coming into bloom, helping skin bloom + to be its best. 

HSF - How often do you think people should be getting luxury-grade facials?

DH - It genuinely depends on the condition of the skin, what we need to treat + most importantly, budget! Some clients come in on the button every six to seven weeks, the likes of brides-to-be will come in every eight weeks + others every three months. But it’s a very individual choice.


HSF - With lock-down life in full swing again, you’re obviously not working with clients in person at the moment, how can people  get started on a personalised routine under your guidance?

DH - A virtual consultation is best! It’s pretty much like it would be in the studio, although obviously I dont get to work on the skin. But it’s quite in-depth + based around educating the client on their skin, talking through their current routine + changing it up as we see fit. 

HSF - Outside the obvious nature of products + a health focused lifestyle, what tips or techniques do you swear by in the search for better skin?

DH - It may sound boring + it’s not an over-night thing, but lifestyle. Lifestyle is huge. By lifestyle I mean stress levels, healthy sleep habits, exercise + diet (to a certain extent. I’m not into cutting things from your diet). When I’m less stressed, I sleep better, my mood is lighter, I feed myself better + my skin shows it. But of course, it takes time. I like to think of it like this; if you eat broccoli for dinner once, it doesn’t mean all those vitamins + minerals are going to benefit you straight away with a couple of fork fulls. Its a process, it takes time + commitment to see the positive changes. I swear by green smoothies too, they make a huge difference to the skin when kept up. 

HSF - Are there any skincare devices you would recommend for at-home use?

DH - Yes there a re a few!! I’m going to keep them under my hat for now, but LED + some facial muscle trainers can be amazing. Again they all take time + consistent commitment, but more on that coming soon!

HSF - What products do you think are really important to invest in + which ones are totally ok to spend less on?

DH - Treatment products - so the likes of P50 + serums. These are long contact products with small molecular weight meaning they’re able to penetrate that little bit deeper into the skin and work harder. They’re usually the most active ingredients wise. Moisturisers do just that - they moisturise + keep the skin supple. Obviously there a some that are a little more targeted + therefore will be more expensive. 


HSF - How important in someone’s daily routine is SPF? Does SPF in foundation suffice? And is there one you can’t live without?

DH - Extremely important but its important to use common sense here. There is definitely a lot of misinformation about SPFs. If you’re indoors all day + only leave the house when its dark for a walk - no SPF needed. Also - use an SPF from a brand whose game is SPF, brands that put a lot of research into their formulations. SPF in foundation most certainly will not suffice. Think of it - usually they only have an SPF of 15 in them which isn’t enough, but also think about the amount of foundation you apply - its just a few drops realistically. For SPF to truly protect, you need to apply half a teaspoon amount - who would apply that much foundation? Some SPFs are superior in their finish + protection of the skin. Heliocare is my go-to + I absolutely love their Water Gel version. I usually go for un-tinted because as previously mentioned, you need to use a lot to get the desired protection. 

HSF - What are your thoughts on cult products + skincare trends? Any you can’t stand or ones you do tend to stand by?

DH - Cult products I can get on board with but not all of them are truly cult - a lot of the time it’s noise + clever marketing + you buy the product + are left disappointed. But they do exist. Skincare trends - no. Despise them + more so when they’re plastered all over Instagram + brands jump on board. Trend ingredients are here today, then gone tomorrow. Same for treatments. For example, micro-dermabrasisson - huge a few years ago, but now you never hear of it because it can be so disruptive to the skin barrier. Dermaplanning is the same. Also trend for clean beauty (so much scaremongering + the term ‘clean’ + ‘non-toxic’ is damaging in my opinion) + the go-hard -or -go -home approach to skin is big but is just not healthy for any skin.  

HSF - In your opinion, what is the most under-appreciated piece of advice ignored by us about skin?

DH - Skin has pores, skin can be uneven, patchy + a bit all over the shop at times + that is NORMAL. Skin can change daily, even from morning to night - thats the nature of skin. Perfection doesn’t exist and when you stop searching for it, you grow to love your skin more. 

HSF - And lastly, Dawn what is next for you at Florasion?

DH - I have so many plans. But it all comes back to the same thing - to truly help people become more educated about skin + to actually love their skin. To help women become more confident in their skin really + to build a blooming empire that people love to visit, be it online or in studio.

Book your consultation with Dawn at F L O R A S I O N . I E // Follow on IG @florasion_ie

What Is.. Dermaplaning

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Working as an effective exfoliation procedure, dermaplaning is one of the hot topics on the agenda of all beauty seekers and aestheticians alike right now.  Short and sweet, the procedure is very simple with endless results. It consists of a sterile surgical scalpel that a trained beauty therapist uses to gently shave off the surface of the skin in order to remove all excess dead skin and peach fuzz hair. 

Don’t let the fear of hearing ‘surgical scalpel’ in the same sentence as your face scare you though, as there is no pain to the procedure and very little - to almost no - downtime post treatment for most people. Typically it is used as an add to another facial or peel. One of the most celebrated benefits of dermaplaning is that your skin is left without all the old cells, as it works to remove all the dead skin at the surface level, which then allows the skin’s absorption levels to fully revive. Lovers of the skin technique say it’s amazing how much longer products tend to last when they are being consistent with the treatment, as the skin’s ability to drink in all the products’ goodness is heightened so much more, making the skin look and feel clearer and brighter from every angle- and your monthly beauty product bills less I might add. Another use for Dermaplaning is the removal of any peach fuzz one might have on the face.

I’d been getting it done every few months + loved it. When COVID hit though + with it access to a trained aesthetician to attend in person suddenly vanished, I looked into being able to do it at home myself. Hello DERMAFLASH; one of the best at-home beauty tools. Easy to use, with very little way to do it wrong (make sure to watch the videos on the Dermaflash website here) or harm your skin, it’s a really good investment if you’re wanting to be able to continue your dermaplaning journey at home.

Personally I just love being able to do things at home in the comfort of my own space + the ease of my own time + although of course some things simply aren’t accessible, either financially or logistically, this one completely has my backing.

For best results, it is suggested to repeat the procedure every three to four weeks with a fresh as this leaves enough time for the skins natural rejuvenation process to take place - a cycle is typically about 30 days.



What Is.. Gua Sha

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

WARNING: you might want to avoid Google-ing ‘gua sha’ without the word facial, for the practice of Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese medicine in existence since before the age-old methods of acupuncture + more scarily perhaps, it translates directly to “scraping” - not something you might consider helpful when you’re looking for your next facial try-out. The therapy originates as a body massage + the results leave beetroot red marks on your back or the specific area worked on. However teleporting ourselves from Gua Sha’s ancient Chinese roots to 2019 + the era of self-care enthusiasts who know the importance of personal attention, not to mention a love of anything that’s truly anti-ageing + a general boost to our wellness - we come to the ‘Gua Sha’ (pronounced gwa sha) in a whole new category, the Gua Sha Facial. 

Conducted very differently when used on the face, Gua Sha can be worked into your daily skincare routine at home. Simply apply facial oil all over the face + use a flat stone of your choice (not the infamous rollers seen all over IG right now, the Gua Sha tool is much more powerful than rollers), in upward motions, very gently gliding in minute strokes. It’s a massage technique that was originally designed to relieve any tension in the muscles of the face + works very well to promote the body’s natural lymphatic drainage system while also boosting blood circulation, resulting in something we all love: the banishment of bloat. Taking stock of the day-to-day stresses of modern day life that inevitably take their toll via our facial expressions + consequently the fine lines that find themselves making their permanent mark, the stimulation that occurs as a result of the Gua Sha practice, either in your daily skincare routine or as part of a professional facial with a qualified therapist, you can be sure it works to reduce all stresses life in 2019 can play on our skin. 

Also known as coining, spooning or scraping, benefits include stimulation of the immune system, reduction of pain like headaches + jaw discomfort, it’s anti-inflammatory, it decreases puffiness under the eyes + works to plump the skin as a result of collagen rejuvenation. Unlike the more traditional Gua Sha massage, it does not leave any markings when done as a facial - unless, in choosing to do a DIY job at home + you go too intensely. It is highly recommended you watch tutorials (the best ones are linked below) to see how best to practice the method by yourself.

So although it may be only just taking over IG in recent years ( wrote this piece in 2019 so it’s even more prominent now), this practice has been around for thousands of years + if you’re willing to put in the research + wish to add Gua Sha into your at home skin-care routine, I suggest following Rachel of Relax with Rach - the treatment designer + trainer at one of my favourite skincare brands GROUND. Rachel has a quick but brilliant tutorial on her IG. Find the video here.

Another amazing follow is Britta Plug @britta_beauty, one of NYC’s top Gua Sha experts, Queen of holistic self-care + the founder of Studio Britta.

Oh + another of my go-to oils for self Gua Sha is Organic Cold pressed Jojoba Oil by Irish brand The Nature of Things which you can find here..

Shop all the best oils + tools below..

Shop the Best Gua Sha Products

Hello, World!

Sonia Deasy of Pestle & Mortar, The Interview

Beauty, LifeRebecca O'ByrneComment

Having just launched her brand, Pestle & Mortar, on QVC, one of America’s largest selling platforms, Sonia Deasy is a lady on a mission. Her recent success in America which was received to a more than eager audience and a complete sell out in just seven minutes, is the next step in bringing about a better way of taking good care o our skin. At the core of Pestle & Mortar is an admirable value set the exemplifies simplicity, quality and a strong understanding of the less-is-more philosophy.