
What Is.. Buccal Massage

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Buccal massage has roots that date back several centuries, with origins in traditional Eastern + Western healing practices. It is thought to have been used in ancient cultures, including in practices like Ayurvedic medicine + traditional Chinese medicine, where facial massage was used for health, relaxation, + beauty purposes. What is Buccal Massage though? Well the simplicity yet powerful technique of Buccal massage is a unique facial therapy that involves massaging the inside of the mouth to target the muscles of the cheeks, jawline, + deeper areas of the face. This technique combines both external + internal massage, focusing on muscles that are often overlooked in traditional facial treatments. Offering a holistic approach to relaxation + facial rejuvenation, one of the key benefits of buccal massage is its ability to relieve tension + stress.. Many of us unknowingly hold stress in our faces, resulting in discomfort + stiffness, especially around the jawline. By targeting these areas, buccal massage helps release this built-up tension, leaving the face feeling more relaxed + at ease.

In addition to stress relief, other benefits of this age old tradition are that it stimulates circulation beneath the skin, improving blood flow + promoting a healthy, radiant complexion. This boost in circulation helps deliver oxygen + nutrients to the skin, resulting in a natural glow + a more youthful appearance. The technique also has a secondary toning effect, helping to contour the face by working the muscles, helping reduce any puffiness + enhancing the definition of the facial structure, giving a more sculpted look.

On a more medical level, for those who suffer from Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) issues or teeth grinding, buccal massage can provide much-needed relief. By targeting the muscles inside the mouth that contribute to such jaw tension, this technique helps ease discomfort associated with TMJ, reducing the frequency of headaches + jaw stiffness. Regular sessions can lead to long-term improvement in managing these issues.

Another advantage of buccal massage is its ability to encourage lymphatic drainage, which helps detoxify the skin + reduce facial puffiness. This natural detox process, which is well documented these days, leads to a more refined, less bloated appearance, leaving the face looking fresh + rejuvenated.

Buccal massage offers a non-invasive, natural way to rejuvenate your face, relieve stress, + improve the health of your skin. Whether you're seeking to enhance your facial contours, soothe tension, or promote a radiant complexion, this simple yet effective technique could be the perfect addition to your wellness routine. It can be life-changing for those finding themselves with immense tension, offering release + flow back into the energy system.

I receive + recommend the technique with PEMBROKE AESTHETICS in Dublin or with KATIE ENGLAND SKIN in London


Vanessa Cornell, Founder of NUSHU; The Interview

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

With NUSHU, there’s something quite different. You can sense it from any + all interactions with the woman’s support network which runs as a community rooted in compassion, care, non-judgement + an unwavering deep belief in the innate strength we all possess within.

NUSHU was founded by Vanessa Cornell in New York City + has quickly become a safe space for people to connect in a very authentic + soulful way. I’ve been blessed to attend some groups + can attest to the beauty of it all. People aren’t there to be fixed but rather, at quite a profound level, held, heard + their stories as women credited without initial doubt or question. NUSHU is a place where you are believed + believed in, not to mention truly truly seen. The human need to feel validated, especially in this ever evolving yet isolating world we now live in, is fully palpable in the air of these past few years + NUSHU, as nurtured by the directional vision of Vanessa is quickly becoming the go-to safe place for women to find themselves within the tribe.

Here, I speak to Vanessa about how she identifies who she is at her core, her own personal journey within the need to validate herself solely for herself, all while still being all things to all aspects of her world.

HSF — Vanessa, tell us, beyond the roles we all play + often find placed upon us as we move through different stages of life - from mother, daughter, wife, friend, lover, founder, entrepreneur - who are you? Who is Vanessa at a soul level?

VC — I’m super curious. After spending my life chasing other peoples’ goals of success in school and at work, I realized the only thing that is going to keep me engaged and fascinated for the rest of my life is the study of the inner workings of human beings. I’m endlessly fascinated by what motivates us, why we make the choices we make, and what it is we’re supposed to be doing on this earth and the one short lifetime we’ve been given. I’m interested in other people but mostly I study myself. The insights gain, and being really really honest with myself about myself, end up being helpful to other people.

HSF — What do you consider your mission in this life?

VC — I’m still trying to determine this. Every day I ask myself this question. But my approach might be slightly different than others.  I really believe that that question of what we’re supposed to do in our life is exactly the same question as who we are. Who are we, truly, at our core, before we built up our defenses and our coping strategies that disconnect us from our deep inner knowing and our innate divinity? If we can discover that, then I believe what we’re supposed to do becomes very obvious. 

HSF — One of your beautiful gifts to the world so far is the creation of community + connection within the NUSHU container - for those new to NUSHU, can you please tell us about it + how it came to be..

VC — NUSHU came from a need to explore all of my inner questions with other people, in community. I had this intense energy to explore my inner landscape and a deep knowing that this work isn’t supposed to be done in isolation.  

What I find really fascinating is this interplay between the fact that no one can do your work for you, but at the same time you can’t do it without other people. Essentially you are the only one who can find your answers in your self exploration. Only you can walk your path of healing and discovery. No one can tell you who you are or what to do. However, this solo work is not possible without a community around you. So it’s important to understand that you’re both completely in charge of your own process + also that it is not possible to do it alone.

HSF — Clearly creating + nurturing connections is a huge part of the NUSHU community. In a world where connections seem so readily available via the digitalisation of what links us; yet often in reality the authenticity of it all is becoming more fleeting. How can people nourish truthful connection + the link to others we really need as humans both IRL + online?

VC — There is a big difference between feeling deeply connected to people + simply being surrounded by people. You can have tons of people in your life + still feel incredibly lonely. The difference between true connection + merely brushing up against people is your willingness to actually show yourself to them. If you are not showing them your true self, then they are in relationship with your avatar, not you. If you are pretending, putting up a good front, or only showing the pretty, shiny sides of yourself, you can never be in true intimacy with someone because the person that they’re in a relationship with is not actually you. It takes a combination of courage + discernment, to be able to show people all sides of you, especially the messy, less flattering sides of you. But that is how you build connection: allowing people to see you not only at your best, but also at your worst.

HSF — On the idea of holding space for someone in our personal lives, how can we do this while also preserving inner boundaries, knowing where we can help without neglecting our own needs, thoughts, opinions, beliefs?

VC — This is a complex question and too much for the space allotted, but I will say that it is definitely a skill that we can build. I have a course within NUSHU dedicated to exactly this practice called How to Hold Space. What it comes down to is building awareness inside of ourselves, so that we can show up for another person without getting muddled by our own fears and stories. It’s also about getting clear on what is our experience + what is the other person’s experience. Ironically, when you learn how to show up as a powerful space holder, you actually end up protecting yourself + your energy at the same time. It is not a zero sum game where you have to compromise yourself to show up for the other person. Building your skills of holding space ends up benefiting you both.

HSF — Self-care, all too often, seems to just about scratch the surface of the depth of who we really are + what we need. It’s been commercialised in every way now. Do you have any thoughts on what self-care truly means beyond the fluff + where people can begin to go deeper at an absolute level?

VC — Self care. It’s become such a buzz word hasn’t it + has been co-opted by the wellness industry to mean products + massages + other things that you can spend money on. That’s my first issue with self-care: that it’s become an industry. My second issue with self-care is that there’s this projection that there’s a one size fits all way of doing it. And it all has to do with more + better. More exercise is better, more meditation is better, more journaling is better, more supplements are better. When we can’t fulfill all of these “mores”, we end up feeling badly about ourselves. Self-care is about one fundamental thing: taking the time to pause + understand what you need to nourish you in the moment. And deciding that what you need matters. Sometimes it’s action + sometimes it’s rest. Sometimes it’s more exercise + sometimes it’s less. Sometimes it’s meditation + sometimes it’s permission to skip meditation. You cannot engage in self-care, while having a view on whether something is better or worse. The only question is: what do I need in this moment?

HSF — How do you maintain your own identity + honour your own place in this life beyond the natural requisites of the roles you play?

VC — That’s easy. It’s absolutely non-negotiable. I ask myself these four questions every day, all day: How do I feel? What do I need? What do I want? Who am I? When you ask this of yourself all the time you realize how important it is to honor the answers that come through. This practice makes it very clear when things in my life don’t align with the answers to those questions. If they don’t align, I have zero time for them. We have such a limited amount of time on this planet.  I believe that it is available to everyone to live a life of complete alignment, or as close as we can get to complete alignment with who we are. I will not waste a single moment of my energy doing anything that compromises that.

HSF — It seems the journey of self-discovery is the de-conditioning of what we’ve learned to become rather than who, perhaps, we authentically are. Do you feel this happens in different ways at each stage in a woman’s life + what has your experience been thus far?

VC — There’s a reason that many women go through a midlife crisis. There is a point at which the conditioning that has built up over a lifetime is so dissonant with who we are that our inner voice starts to scream at us that something has to change. It’s often a painful and messy. I went through it myself. But at some point we can no longer keep living a lie + pretending that the life we’ve built is the life that’s meant for us.

I think women in their 40s have this tremendous opportunity to start to claim who they are if they haven’t done so so far. For many motherhood breaks us wide-open. And for others, we finally realize we are sleepwalking through life + simply putting one foot in front of the other. We ask ourselves what the hell am I doing? Is this the way I’m going to live the rest of my life? These are the women I love to work with because I’ve been there I get it. And I want to say to them there is so much more for you. You can live a life that is alive + vibrant + exciting + fulfilling + full of close + intimate relationships with the people you love. You can show up for others + yourself at the same time.

HSF — And on that note, when we’ve found identity in parts of ourselves that no longer serve us, how can we detach from what we no longer need? 

VC — Again, there’s this beautiful way that when we discover who we truly are + become really grounded + rooted in that, it becomes very obvious what we need to shift + let go of. If that’s people, they may have a hard time + there may be pain or grief involved in that process, but our deep grounding in who we are allows us to weather any of those storms with both full conviction + tremendous love + compassion.

HSF — As humans we all exist constantly between the healer + the healed. There’s always someone ahead + someone behind, just as we are to others. Yet there is a lot of unsolicited advice, ‘expert’ opinions + sometimes dangerously authoritative directive information within the self-development + wellness space. Personally, the only thing that’s worked for me is trying a million things + compiling my own treasure box of what works. Do you have any advice for those in that place of total overwhelm? Where do people start?

VC — It’s not an easy road + you’re right it’s very crowded with conflicting messages. I would offer a couple of points of guidance. 

Number one. Steer clear of anyone who tells you what to do or what you should think or projects an aura of authority. Nobody knows what’s right for you but you. If somebody is trying to tell you that they know what is right for you, run in the other direction.

The second thing I would say is that if you really want to make change, you need to treat this like your full-time job. Now I’m not suggesting we quit our jobs. I’m suggesting that we are capable of multiple full-time jobs at the same time, especially women and mothers. My point is that you need to really prioritize this + take it seriously. It does not get relegated to the very last item on the list, the thing you get to once you’ve taken care of + satisfied everyone else’s needs. If you approach your own healing as a nice to have + not a must have, you will not make any changes. The first thing is you have to decide it matters. Then you fight for it.  There is so much healing just in the process of making that decision.

The third thing I‘d suggest is finding quiet from the noise of life today. It can feel sometimes near impossible, but how or where you find your feet most firmly on the ground between what requires your attentions speaks volumes.

I actually spend a ton of time alone in my home office. Once the kids go to school, I would say between 8 and 3 PM, I’m almost always alone + in the quiet. That’s what I need to fuel me as I’m very introverted. I pace myself in terms of energy output + being around people. I’ve gotten good at not over-filling my capacity, + my team is amazing in helping me protect my energy.  

HSF — Do you have any non-negotiables in your day?

VC — When you’ve got five kids + two businesses + a busy household to run, you have to be flexible. I have found that putting my stake in the ground about doing something at a certain time every day or even every day simply always gets upended. My nonnegotiable is that I am constantly checking in with how I’m doing: how I feel + what I need. I can be flexible to a point, but I’ve always got my own needs in mind, + I take care of myself. So yeah, I can go a day or two with not enough rest but then I make the space to get the rest I need. My nonnegotiable is that I never let my needs go unattended for long enough that I’m feeling resentful or burned out. I’m not always the first priority, but I’m always one of the priorities. Both the needs of my family AND my needs get taken care of, not always all at the same time but all eventually. I am absolutely in the mix of people who have needs that matter.  That is not negotiable.

HSF — Your favourite piece of advice or approach to your life by?

VC — The path to discovering yourself is paved with deep self honesty plus deep self compassion.

HSF — The book, movie, show + podcast that’s left a lasting effect..

VC — The book would be Razors Edge by William Somerset Maugham. Battlestar Galactica as a TV show + Elena Brower’s interview with Meggan Watterson on her Practice You podcast.  

HSF — What are you most interested in learning about at this stage in your life?


HSF — What’s next for NUSHU? 

I’m working on a course for mothers to reclaim themselves that I’m really excited about. We also have a number of amazing retreats coming up. I would love for you to join us!

Consistency within the Uncertainty of a Depressed Mind

Life, WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne2 Comments

In piecing together thoughts on my own mental health it comes with a slight (ok, a rather huge) unease of coming across as moan-y or self-obsessed. Yet in putting that to the side as much as my brain possibly can + pushing through that naked vulnerability fear, here we go. Again.

So you may already have read some of my pieces on, or heard me speak about, my personal journey with depression + eating disorders as a result of childhood trauma. While thankfully I’ve made massive strides over the years I will admit, it’s been a bloody long road, one that I seem to either be trudging along with whatever strength I can muster - a power that seems to dwindle + simultaneously strengthen each time I’m sucked back into the downward spiral of depression - or in the other very much welcomed less intense times, you’ll find me on a path nearby - loving every moment, day, week + hopefully month of actually living.

This year has seen me more often than not on the bathroom floor of cafe d’epresso - as I call it. A state of depressed where I find myself lacking the ability to see beyond any current state + sometimes in a frightening depth of a type of despair I don’t really know how to voice or explain without sounding like I’m seeking attention or being too dramatic, other than to say, it’s brought me to an edge I’d known before, yet the very edge I hadn’t so seriously found myself at in many years + it scared me. It really scared me.

I feel the need to write this, not just for you who might also find yourself in those dark places + in need of a reminder, but for myself, both future + present, so I can read my own words + remind myself of what I CAN do + what DOSE work when faced with the blindness.

Ultimately.. I know, I know, I am getting there I promise, the point of this piece + the point I’m getting to understand more + more is that even in times when it seems like nothing works to alleviate the absence of hope or ignite any amount of lightness, what I can share with 100% certainty is there is one thing. Consistency. One thing that works is to practice consistency. Small, baby steps - as my loving Husband + best friend remind me of daily - made consistently is exclusively the only way to move through + eventually beyond the debilitating stagnant state depression often causes. Whatever you can or wish to be consistent with is up to you. And whatever it is, is enough.I know options don’t really help in those times so for me there’s a list of positive things that I know will help me once I get to doing them consistently. And even if the consistency isn’t in one particular thing but rather in doing one thing on your list.

I can relate too, if you find yourself thinking, but like FFS Rebecca nothing works + there’s nothing that makes any real difference when you’re this low. I get it. I say these very words + feel it myself when I’m there. It’s some weird phenomenon that I can’t ever quite get my head around too that when I’m in a serious state of depression, the very thing I know, when in the whole of my health, helps if I do it each day, is the exact thing I can’t seem to bring myself to do or implement in my routine. Getting up + actually showering, getting dressed + taking our dog for a walk WILL make things a tiny bit better when done daily - but your brain comes in + says, but what is a tiny bit better when the depths of this shit is so deep it’s like trying to let the light of a pocket torch, shone from the opening of a well, reach 10 miles under ground. It’s seemingly impossible + makes absolutely no difference. So what’s the point? There is none, says the brain.. And plus you don’t have the energy. I manage to shower one day, promising myself I’ll do it again tomorrow + yet days pass + I can’t seem to get myself undressed + under the water again. The simple things are crippling never mind having to keep up with + uphold a life that I love. Trust me, I get it. The overwhelming sense of confusion + frustration too at not being able to bring yourself to do the things that work.. what is that?! you say. And then, the guilt. The f-ing guilt.

HOWEVER, in relating to all that, I bring it back to the basics of consistency + the fact that the only way forward is tiny steps made with commitment despite how you feel on in the inside. I think too, it’s about leaning into the most simple things + asking for help where you can, not thinking you can do it all in one go or go from zero to one hundred with a day or a week. If managing the shower daily or getting the go for a walk each morning is your daily thing, then be proud of that. And for other things that will help, perhaps you can bring them in a few times a week + over time, the brain definitely begins to notice that oh she’s still able to do the things despite how she’s feeling.. that’s progress.

I know this isn’t rocket science + I certainly don’t claim to be a genius. And it can all feel beyond the bounds of possibility but I recently journaled of how it’s the consistency of doing the small things that will bring about a glimmer of lightness, not in a quick-fix manner but over time because let’s be real, doing it once won’t make any real difference however with persistence, you begin to feel a shift.

Again I’m no authority + certainly don’t claim to have all the answers but what if, in doing one thing daily - be that whatever you need - imagine where you might be in a week, a month or a year. And screw it, even if I’m still depressed, at least I might have clean hair + fresh clothes on. Consistency. Patience. Growth.


Positive Productivity or Toxic Busyness?

Wellbeing, Life 02Rebecca O'ByrneComment

“How are you?” Is a question asked trillions of times a day, one that has absolutely nothing to do with the activities of our daily lives. In it’s literal meaning, it’s intention is to find out how the person really is, how they are doing as a person. How many times though have you (I include myself in this entirely) answered with “oh god I’m so busy”. But busy isn’t how someone is doing as a person it’s what they’re doing.. and not too effectively so.

Almost to the point of breaking out in a rash, I find myself quite allergic to the culture that celebrates busyness or hustle. Western society is fast paced by nature, that I get. Yet at a very deep level in recent decades we’ve been seduced by the association of success along with a sense of deep self worth in how “run off our feet” or how hard we work. What is that though? What does busy even mean? Is it actually a badge of honor? I think not. It reminds me of the toxicity of the hustle culture, of how it used to be silently admired to sleep as little as possible. Just look up the #5amclub on Instagram + there is an endless ‘club’ of early risers under pressure to do it all before 9am. As an early riser myself, I love my mornings too + I definitely sometimes fall for the thinking that I must achieve a certain amount before a certain time in the day but why on earth do we believe that unless we’ve written a book, cleaned the house, walked the dog, exercised AND prepped dinner for tonight (and Jesus, this is just me as someone who doesn’t even have kids so kudos to all the Mums reading this) all before others are waking then, well, what are we doing with our lives? Come on people, chop chop! And perhaps this is all just me but it seems that unless we are busy achieving or doing something - most times, just anything, regardless of how productive it may be - we fear it might equate us with the failure linked to the dreaded idea of laziness or not being triumphant on the road to greatness. Dramatic no?! And man is it tiring.

In thinking about this deeper a lot overt the past number of years, I realise busyness for me is often more about being occupied rather than, despite it’s mask of deep deception, actually getting things accomplished. It’s a lack of self-care or prioritisation of what is actually your priority + instead simple an act in itself of nothingness. Within it, I know too there’s a whole rabbit hole on a lack of boundaries which .. well for me, is definitely one of the many work-in-progress things I’m personally working on. I notice in myself though, it’s many times simply a deterrent from what I’m meant to be doing or what direction I genuinely want to be taking or the things I wish to be implementing into my life. It’s a type of procrastination. And perhaps a distraction for some of us? When I used to really believe in the idea that I should be busy all the time without really knowing why other than it seemed to be what society valued, it was me running around more than anything. Filling my time with things that must get done + letting anyone take up my valuable time because god forbid, desire how busy I was no way could I ever say no to anyone. Very conceivably too I can see it was me running away from me. But that’s a whole other article. Finding a sense of identification in the busyness is unhealthy + causes a loss of that very important connection to self that a solid, happy + successful life requires. Furthermore, I’ve found myself really finding more meaning in my days + the work I do since developing my allergy to busy; in reality, the way in which I consciously choose to spend my time, not to mention the boundaries I put in place to allow for that really put a lot into perspective of what’s important. It’s about time management in a very structural way + for most of us, the idea of work these days isn’t as linear as it once was, especially, if like me, you’re a Millennial who works for yourself or that WFH life is the new normal. You get to choose. And thankfully, time now holds more personal value these days, something I’m very much here for. I’m aware this isn’t the case for everyone but at some level we can, or at the least seek to, structure our work around our life instead of the other way around. Let the hassle of the hustle go. Let’s value efficiency over busy - like what we can actually achieve when focused within a concentrated time? Let’s value the quality of the work we do rather than the perceived time we’re stuck grinding through what needs to get done. And dare I say it, let’s value the idea of LIVING for ourselves, for what we want to do + who we want to be rather than allowing our time or lives be dictated by + dedicated to others all the time.

Let’s be real too, nobody is ever going to say on their deathbed, wow what a life, I wish I had been at my laptop more or jeez, I really should have spent more time working - it will always be about the quality of how we decided to spend our time in this life, the people we loved + the memories created within it all, the places we were lucky to experience, the connections we felt + the moments of calm that brought us deeper levels of meaning + perhaps, the mots important thing of all will be the in we hopefully made those we met feel good about themselves.

Stop glorifying the struggle. Seek to manage your time more efficiently. Get productive with a focus. Busy isn’t a thing to establish your place or your worth in this world upon. You are worthy simply because you breathe. That is all it requires. And with that, I will leave it there. Something to think about + perhaps something, I hope, to remind you that what we pack our days with, how we spend the moments, is literally what makes up a life.


Conscious Beauty; Seabody

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

You’ve most likely encountered SEABODY, the luxury Irish beauty + wellness brand on a mission to evolve the market's approach to wellness without harming the planet? Fear not though, for if you haven’t, this is where your next wellness/beauty-love-story can begin. Over the past year or so the brand has been making its way into my world personally, from my supplement routine + my preferred hero skincare products to the brand’s newest launch at a spa level. And quite honestly, I’m most definitely here the entire SEABODY experience.

From a beauty gel cleanser + elixir style serum to supplements that support movement, bone + joint health along with beauty + skin health, the SEABODY product range works to bring the healing powers of the Atlantic waters right into your daily world. Co-founded by powerhouse Dr. Helena McMahon who possesses a BSc in Biomedical Science along with an MSc in Molecular Medicine, SEABODY is primarily a biotech company creating products in the wellness + beauty space that not only sound amazing + look chic (AF) but actually truly work. The realisation of Dr. McMahon + her team of passionate biochemists who, in unison, believe strongly in the power of a variety of native Irish seaweeds + sea plants, the formulation process follows the harvesting of the chosen plants from the waters of the Wild Atlantic Way, followed by their refinement + the extraction of their many wonderful molecules, all of which solidifies the foundation of the SEABODY product range.

Having very much ticked the box of quality for the consumer, SEABODY goes on to care very deeply for what their manufacturing does to our planet. You will find the brand far beyond the sometimes surface-level idea of sustainability that brands now have to, at the very least be seen to conform to, be it just for perception purposes or you hope at a more genuine level. At SEABODY, they not only got the sustainability memo but they implement it like it’s a religion. Their emphasis on the abundance of natural + effective resources so nature generously affords us along with their long-term approach to the utilisation, management + protection of each + every component of a SEABODY product is almost unparalleled in the industry.

As part of their growth, the brand most recently partnered with one of the most notable Irish institutions of luxury, the exquisitely elegant + desirable Dromoland Castle where they have created bespoke treatments for as part of the newly renovated The Castle Spa at the magnificent destination. I was honoured to visit recently where I was treated to the SEABODY Touch Facial. A divine encounter with luxury where every single moment + each detail was thought through thoroughly + taken care of in a very distinct + defined way. The effective nature of the products married with the tranquil + calming atmosphere of the spa which is like nothing I’ve encountered, it was something of an escape for the mind, body + soul. Dromoland Castle is definitely on my list of places to return as any experience, from this special treat to our friends wedding, has simply been exceptional, leaving you wanting more yet equally fulfilled.

And so, despite being someone who most definitely can often be drawn into new beauty or wellness products based on first impressions of the aesthetic, I can most definitely say that I stay with SEABODY for it’s quality + their considering of every element + each minute detail. The SEABODY philosophy may be science led with an approach that notably works + I just can’t help but loving it for how it all makes me feel: great from the inside out.



What Is.. Sound Healing

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

In the past year or so I’ve been so blessed to experience sound healing on a really deep level. A very close friend of mine Audrey, the founder of CoreState, is a qualified Sound Healer + she’s been so kind to do some bespoke sessions with me, tailoring the direction of each to my specific needs at each given session.

I am a huge believer in so many wellness modalities + practices, implementing many into my own life on a daily, weekly basis. But with this particular one I will admit that before my more recent experiences of sound baths with Audrey, I understood the practice to be a more fanciful type of self-care - something I always loved however, somehow not as justifiable in my mind as say my weekly therapy call or my gym membership + rather something of an occasional indulgence. It felt, to me, like more of an expensive way to take a nap as I’ve always found myself drifting off in any of the sessions I’d been to over the years. Despite this though, I always felt a sense of inner calm coming out the other side. And man, is it so much more than an expensive nap I’ve come to believe. It’s deeply healing. The more I’ve practiced the more I’ve realised the deeper meaning of it + the benefit of it’s not-so-woo-woo magic.

Sound healing, or therapy, might seem like it’s just popped up in recent times but it is in fact an ancient holistic healing practice that holds many therapeutic values. As humans we have used sound as a way to communicate, express, celebrate, heal + restore for thousands of years, transcending cultures, geography + belief systems. From the ancient mantras of yogic + Tibetan practices to more modern ways like The Haka, a sound + dance ritual performed by the New Zealand rugby team at the beginning of each game to showcase, in ceremony, their courage + determination. At a basic yet powerful level, think about how music can change the way you feel, it can help shift a dark + heavy mood into something more tolerable; taking us from overwhelm to a somewhat calmer state. Sound has been healing us for a long time.

Sound baths are an elevated version of this. Now backed by science, the point of sessions like an actual sound bath is to bring us, as entire beings, from imbalance into balance. To encourage a homeostasis state. The practice works wonders to switch on the parasympathetic nervous system, something I’m understanding more + more of late + the importance of it’s activation in nurturing the rest + digest side of our system which is becoming more vital with this very fast paced, high stress world we find ourselves in 2023.

And not only is it something for the soul to enjoy + explore, for anyone slightly on the more cynical side of the fence, it is scientifically proven to work on a cellular level. The sounds + vibrations of this modality are essentially frequencies created by + flow through the tools used by your practitioner that enter the conscious + subconscious, the physical + subtle energy fields within + around our body encouraging a state of wholeness. Reducing stress in general is a positive thing of course but at this cellular level the body + mind reap a lot of very tangible + long-lasting rewards. From regulation of the immense system, slowing the heart rate, supporting the production of melatonin which aids in a natural sleep flow along with lowering blood pressure, the prolonged effect is that it nurtures the longevity + quality of our mind, body + life in gerneral. For my fellow sleepers, I’ve also learned that dosing off is a sign of going deep while in a sound bath so it may, in one way, act as a nap but it’s definitely an elevated + high healing one so don’t worry about nodding off during a session.

Check out Audrey’s work HERE where you can book in with her for a private session, attend one of her groups or online classes.


Menorca, A Hikers Haven

Travel, WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Earlier this summer I took the trip of a lifetime; ten whole days with my best friend hiking the entire perimeter of the exquisite island of Menorca. Hiking is one of our shared passions + anytime we can, we soak up the opportunity to hike wherever we are in the world, be that together or apart. Big day-long hikes we’ve loved together include some beautiful ones around Lake Como + many here in Ireland but until this trip the longest we’d ever taken on was 120km over 4 days along the Wicklow Way. Menorca was a little bit of a step up for us though with both the heat + the duration; a more significant challenge in that it was 185km over seven days + just as we knew we would, we loved every single second. A week of total bliss, just the two of us. I am still beaming with gratitude for that time. Seven whole days of complete submergence in nature, boundless time with my best friend, some serious (+ I mean serrrrious) giggles, abundant time for all the chats + uninhibited moments delving into all the wonders of our respective lives + all that overlaps in being so close. It was a holiday I will cherish for life + something I highly recommend if you’re looking to do something a little different + active.

Menorca itself is something of a wonder. Thanks to the island’s UNESCO designation, it’s natural beauty remains whole + unharmed by the resulting over construction + general ruination over-tourism has had + continues to have on so many other European destinations over the past number of years. Here, the bedazzle of it’s other two Balearic counterparts, Ibiza + Mallorca, just doesn’t exist in the same way. With landscape that will quite literally take your breath away; the vibe is very Ibiza-in-the-70’s pre the era of big yachts + even bigger lips. It’s local. The less known of the Balearics but for us + this trip, gladly so. Rich in that uniquely untouched air, almost to the extent of discovering something of a secret yet equally + somehow according to this summer’s hype of the island, it also seems to be teetering on the verge of the dreaded mass discovery. It is unmatched in it’s wholesome + innately pure aura with beaches calling to that inner nudist, buried deep within us all; the language of freedom spoken everywhere + undeterred by any restrictions of life today lived under the microscope of social media + the reality that freedom no longer really exists in that same way it used to. It is as if the locals haven’t quite yet been sucked into the perceived perfection social media requires, they wisely sit in the knowing yet happily unspoiled by it’s underlying discontentment. Menorca is an extraordinary island. And for me, a truly beautiful memory, forever etched in my heart.

The HAUTE so FABULOUS Guide to Menorca


For the hike we used CAMI DE CAVALLS 360 the Menorca based tour company servicing the historical Cami de Cavalls for hikers, mountain bikers + trail runners. The company works to ensure you are fully equipped for the journey, sharing the best swim spots to stop at each day, where to lunch + which days to bring something packed. Each morning to collect your bags + drop them to the next hotel or destination while also picking you + your crew up or dropping you off at the appropriate starting + end points.


As part of our trip, we loved a boutique hotel in Ciutadella called SODIUM. Super chic, Sodium is a contemporary boutique style hotel + the perfect place to base ourselves for a few days moving to + from points along the hike. Family run, it’s a really slick home from home where the rooms quietly scream all sorts of cool // Our absolute favourite place we stayed was undoubtedly MENORCA EXPERIMENTAL, the place we called home for our last three nights + it was heavenly - so.purely.heavenly. Perfectly remote, it leaves you with little desire or necessity to leave + so, despite a moment of contemplating walking on our two days off post completing the hike - because yes, despite having walked through my runners, we loved the hiking that much, a day by the pool at Experimental was just too tempting + so we gladly read + played chess by the pool all day. Such a delight, the property is an old military base + has been restored with such integrity + respect for the island + it’s natural essence while elevating it’s cool in that perfectly Experimental way // Other hotels on our radar during our trip that we checked out but did not stay at include : LES DOMAINE DE FONTENILLE in both the Santa Ponsa + Torre Vella locations. These are beautiful Relais & Chateaux hotels where the vibe is refined yet superior beauty built upon the foundations of the island’s exceptional heritage + simplistic essence // One final one that peaked our interest is SON VELL, a stunning original 18th century Manor House which underwent a deeply detailed restoration, bringing to life somewhere of a sanctuary for those wanting to escape the world for a moment. Surrounded by the Cami de Cavalls, the estate is set on the fringes of 180 hectares which comprises of a working farm as well as landscaped gardens, citrus trees, olive groves + an organic vegetable garden. WIth many experiences available from sound healing + other therapeutic modalities to water sports, shoemaking demonstrations + horseback riding, there is no need to venture far //


The food scene in Menorca is on fire. So many little gems around the island, some of which aren’t necessarily right in the towns so a little adventuring is required to find the hotspots. Starting with NONNA BAZAAR, a restored farmhouse sitting amid nearly 1,000 acres of breathtaking gardens + orchards right on the outskirts of Ciutadella. Celebrating the locale both in vicinity, traditions + flavours, it’s a perfect place to enjoy the Mediterranean tastes of the island + take things from day to night with some of the island’s famous DJ’s playing once the sun sets // Also on the west cast of the island in Ciutadella amid its sweet cobbled streets, is SMOIX. Headed up by chef Miguel Sánchez, it is a haven for those who love inventive dishes with equally simplistic pleasure. The dishes at Smoix are inspired by the island’s seasonal flavours within the surrounds of a sleekly restored shoe factory. This was something of a treat // For something different, why not learn something very authentic + cook your own traditional paella in the beautiful CUK-CUK. We did this one of the evenings post hiking + loved the experience; a fun way to learn something to take home with you. The couple who host the experience are so sweet + they offer many different dining experiences // For a lunchtime delight on the cute northern coastline fishing village of Es Grau there’s TARMARINDOS, the iconic restaurant that locals flock to in the summer where the mens is full of seasonal classics // Some of our favourite meals on the island were on the terrace of MENORCA EXPERIMENTAL where the ceviche is on fleck + the fresh produce allows for an explosion of tastes only a Mediterranean summer will allow for. This menu is full of creative pleasures realised in thanks to the property’s own vegetable garden. True rapture + an experience we couldn’t help but repeat each night we were at the hotel // ISABELLA BEACH CLUB is a total vibe. With views to make your heart skip a beat, DJ sets that bring the setting to another level, the vibe is sleek AF //


HAUSER + WIRTH'S Menorcan location is such a delight to visit. Situated on Illa del Rei, a beautiful island in Mahon harbor which you can get to by the company’s own taxi boat during season, the famous art institution opened it’s art center + conservation project in 2022 . Set in a renovated 18th-century naval hospital founded by the English navy in 1711, you can explore the galleries 8 viewing spaces + outdoor sculpture trail before enjoying the olive-lined on-site restaurant Cantina // BINIADET, the island’s local vineyard celebrating the Menorcan wine culture is a family run passion project where in 1979, the Anglés family planted 40 varieties of vines in order to see which vines would adapt best to Menorca's climate + some 40 years later they have one of the most beautiful destinations for wine lovers + foodies alike // The S’HOSTAL QUARRIES are located to the west of Menorca, just outside Ciutadella de Menorca. Consisting of marés limestone, these beautiful quarries were abandoned until a big cleanup in 1983 saw them restored + later listed as part of Menorca’s heritage catalogue // Whether by day or to catch the sunset, one of the island’s most revered spots for visitors is Cova d’en Xoroi a bar, lounge + night-life destination built into the cliffside which some say offer the best sea views on the island // Our last day was spent on a private BOAT TOUR which was just a dream. The island is known for it’s many caves which are awe-inspiring to venture inside + taking in the vistas from water gave us a whole new perspective of the island’s immense beauty. For those braver than us, there’s a lot of free-soloing practiced from the cliffs but for us it was a moment to soak up the last of the sun + I absolutely recommend jumping into the soul-hugging waters that surround this tonic of an island. One of the coolest things was swimming from the boat to land + into one of the caves where there is a tiny little area within the cave where you can stand in the water touching the bottom. That day couldn’t last long enough, a dream // Cami de Cavalls means way of the horses + so as you can imagine, there is a lot of horse-riding experiences to explore on the island. And while we didn’t have time to do this as part of our trip, this is a good place to consider, MENORCA DE CAVALLS //


HSF Wellness Travel Guides; The London Edition

Travel, WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

An HAUTE so FABULOUS Wellness Guide; The LONDON Edition

M O V E M E N T as M E D I C I N E

Basic Space - Jaime Hepburn can literally do no wrong when it comes to yoga + aesthetics so when she opened her own studio in London, it quickly became the hottest studio in town for the aesthete’s out there looking for authentic yogi embodiment with a major touch of chic // The Rogue Room - ok this is one of the coolest yoga concepts out there. Look out fir their pop-up classes + their bigger events which are held at FABRIK London - SUCH a vibe! // Love Supreme Projects - I have found some incredible new teachers by attending this beautifully loving + welcoming studio. Always on the look out too for online workshops or classes to attend, this is the perfect place where teachers from all over the world tend to come to share their magic // Indaba - this is my home studio for London, it holds a special place in my heart as it is where I trained for my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training, the array of classes available are incredible. Teachers I love there are Amrab Vallo (my teacher trainer), Stewart Gilchrist (be prepared for a whopper class) + any of the Forrest Yoga teachers // Nobu Pilates - for a super boujee but authentically classic reformer, Nobu is my go-to for reformer in London // Barry’s - as always, my favourite high intensity class whatever city I’m in. I’m admittedly fully addicted // Psycle - OK, this is my London vibe! I absolutely adore this brand when I’m in town. Any of the early morning spin classes are just epic + if you appreciate a beautiful Sunday afternoon flow, do your mind, body + soul a favour + book into Alanna’s yoga class at the Mortimer St. location. It’s absolute weekend heaven // Soul Cycle - an obvious classic but always a good idea to get a serious sweat on, I love Soul Cycle + my go-to location in London is the Nottinghill one // BLOK, ok BLOK is a viiiiibe. I first fell in love with it when we lived in Manchester for a year a while back + the classes are so diverse. One of my favourite barre teachers is Ellya Sam who is head of barre at the brand + who’s classes will set your glutes on FIRE. Also I highly recommend trying out some of the more unusual discipline of classes on offer, I’ve tried them all + it’s amazing to step outside your comfort zone. I literally had to stand there in calisthenics as I couldn’t do a thing, entirely humbled watching people do inspirational things with their strength // BXR - for HIIT classes this is a real kick in the butt.. so worth it though.


London is so vast; expansive like few other cities. Because of this, I adore walking everywhere I possibly can when I’m here. My average steps go way up in my London days. Running in Regents Park is one of my favourite ways to get a good sweat in on a sunny day. Or strolling from one side of the city to another, taking in all the different neighbourhoods along the way. Hyde Park, of course is a classic but in fact, Regent’s park is my personal preference.


ilapothacary - in Notting Hill is an entirely wholesome obsession of mine. This beauty + wellness brand is a dream come to life with the most amazing products that work to heal from all angles. Try Beat the Blues Pulse Point Roller or the Beat the Blues Room Spray. Oh + the SOS Body Balm is BEYOND // Planet Organic - such a great classic for all things healthy for // Daylesford Organic - another British classic, the Marlybone + Notting Hill locations are my preferred in the city. A perfect point of country-chic reference in the city for all things organic, healthy + beautiful.


Roscop Practice - Frederic Roscop is an Osteopath + founder of Roscop Practice who has been bringing health to a whole new level in London long before it was ‘cool’ to care about what it actually feels like to be well. Covering many aspects of health including acupuncture, movement, massage + osteopathy, all from the core concept of integrative health measures being the ultimate way to live well + prioritise well-being at all levels. I believe in this concept so deeply so it’s one place that always draws me in // FaceGym - I’ve been doing FaceGym on + off for years now having dipped in + out of their in-person facials in different cities, attending their Zoom classes throughout lockdown for Gua Sha + the FaceGym at home tutorials + of course their tools.. their tools are wonderful! // Get A Drip - Great + affordable IV drips + vitamin shots with several locations around the city, it’s a welcome boost when you’re feeling in need of a little energy lift // The Mandrake Hotel - Here you can find an incredible offering of wellness + spiritual gathering including sound baths + varying sound healings, Reiki, breathwork, yoga + more. I have loved anything I’ve gone to here + Barbra May + Maria Lodetoft from Mystic Sisters host much of their energetic classes here which are literally a hug for your soul // RE:Mind Studio - OK this is one of my favourite places to take the pace down in London. RE:Mind is a luxe level unwind for your mind, body + soul. Everything I’ve gone to here has taken me down to earth while simultaneously taking me far from anything earthly. It is HEAVEN // Last but most definitely not least is Ricari Method - the OG of lymphatic drainage + it coming into my psyche some years back. I’ve been to the ones in London + New York + it is always a dream. Try to book with Anna if possible but if not, anyone in NYC +

C A F É S + R E S T A U R A N T S

Sunday in Brooklyn - literally lines down the street, it’s exactly as it suggests, as though you’re out for brunch on a Sunday.. in Brooklyn. It’s a thing + must be tried // Ottolenghi - ANY + ALL of the Ottolenghi locations. Just anything he does really food wise. He can do no wrong // Farmacy - a chi-chi haunt made famous by the Notting Hill crowd, Farmacy is a great one to do just once. Healthy, fun + great people watching // Rovi - Another genius Ottolenghi creation. Divine on all levels // Wild by Tart - Founded by Jemima Jones + Lucy Carr-Ellison created Wild by Tart after the success of their bespoke catering company Tart London. Seasonal dishes with a strong focus on sustainably sourced ingredients, it’s a really nice girls lunch spot with a fun aesthetic // Farm Girl - With locations in Notting Hill, South Ken, Belgravia, Fitzrovia + Soho, you can be sure to find a healthy (with twists) option whichever Farm Girl you stumble upon // Island Poke - One of my go-to Deliveroo options when in London, you can never beat a great Poke bowl // Rika Moon - OK the complete opposite of Deliveroo style nights, this is your next must when in London. I was introduced to this incredibly cute, chic + VIBEY Japanese-fusion dinner spot + fell in love at the first bite. The food is OUTRAGEOUSLY divine + the vibe is so on-point. Sushi + champagne, yum // Atis - My idea of salad heaven. Literally all there is to say: this is me in a meal - SO good // Kol - Impossible to get into, this is one I’m yet to experience in person but it’s top of my list to check every time I know I’ll be in town. Think Mexican but elevated!!! //

J U I C E S + C O F F E E

Gails - I love my morning coffee at Gails when I am staying with my gorgeous cousin Jess. It’s my little go-to. And I will admit that their salads were my everyday lunchtime choice (literally on repeat) while I was over doing my Yoga teacher training last year // The Monocle Cafe in Marylebone is another of my go-to favourites for a coffee + some time spent watching the world go by if you’re lucky enough to catch a seat outside. Plus the matcha here is insane // Daylesford Organic - Any of the London locations are just as chic as the brand’s first location in the Cotswolds - a perfect little spot to grab a coffee + a moment to recharge // LIFT Coffee - I love this spot in Notting Hill for really really great coffee + a laptop day // Shreeji Newsagents - I love grabbing a coffee here + sitting outside watching the world go by. It’s right by Chiltern Firehouse (+ next door to Monocle) + is the perfect little spot to pick up the best magazines + let the hours pass you by


Confessions of a Recovering Apple Watch Addict

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Admittedly, as my husband would (rightly) suggest, I am absolutely (and willingly I might add) a slave to the supreme cult-like existence of Apple. Completely “indoctrinated” by the brand when my parents bought my little brother + I a - now probably vintage - Mac back when we were kids - think dial up connections + not having a clue what the internet really even was, I am grateful for Apple, in all it’s crazed-up-marketing genius glory, because it works for me + I’m happy to flow in the ease of my entire digital life + work syncing for me on every device without fault.

When Apple came out with the Apple Watch though, I was, much to my own dismay, hesitant to allow myself one. I know my personality. I get into things. Like really into things. Sometimes in an all-consuming way. But at some point I thought, hey, maybe I’ll just give it a go. I can control this. It was Series 6 by the time I chose to dive in so it was a good few years on the market at this point. And you guessed correctly, I loved it. I mean, I loved it. I was obsessed from the get go. The ability to see my activity data so clearly on the daily was like the drug for me I knew it would be. A healthy one at some level as I love to move, it was part of my wellness routine really kicking into a new gear. However.. there’s healthy + then there’s, well.. let’s just say an unhealthy level of control. And while it was all fun + giggles for a while, I knew it had been getting too much yet was resistant in admitting it out loud. Apple’s collection of my data was working on me - or perhaps more aptly, against me. Each month the targets the watch would set for me were increasingly insane based on my performance the month previously. In full type-A style though I was hitting them all. But I wasn’t feeling good from any of it really. Movement energies me yet I was tired. For me moving my body is medicine for my entire being, it is part of my life in a very positive way + it was past the point of any real enjoyment because it was entirely whatever the watch was indicating that was doing rather than what I actually felt like doing. I wasn’t even really present on an evening stroll with my husband cause it was slowing up my stats. While it low-key drives me crazy how slowly he walks, I admire how he goes for a walk to enjoy it rather than it being an exercise. But this had gone beyond me - the fun part of wearing the watch.

At the beginning of December last year I had a moment where - for the first time in two years except for our wedding day, cause hey, let’s face it it’s not exactly the most bridal look ever - I forgot to put it on. I had literally worn it every single day without fail until that point. It needed charging during the day + shockingly I forgot to put it back on. But then I realised something really clearly that evening, my thinking that came to light that day was pretty alarming(even to my madness): shit.. I can’t go for a run now cause it won’t show my full day of data, what’s the point?! OK.. wait what, Rebecca!?!?!? You can’t go for a run because you didn’t wear your watch for the first half of the day? Like WT(actual)F! A run is a run. Stats or no stats. I used to be that person to jokingly (kidding but not kidding) say that if I didn’t record it, did it even happen? But what on earth does that even really mean!? What is the real motivation behind moving my body? Like seriously. Emotionally I would only know how to feel about myself depending on what the numbers came in as at the end of the day. Was I good enough? Had I done enough? Did I need to walk around the house a little more to hit the goal? Run up + down the stairs like I’d actually lost it? Had I reached some completely made up version of “perfection” for the day? The watch dictated how I was allowed feel or think about myself. It was unhealthy. And I knew it. So.. I choose to try on something new: freedom from the stats. And I haven’t worn the watch in a couple of months now.

The results? Well while firstly I am aware this might all simply highlight my kind-of bonkers side - something you hopefully don’t relate to at all, I hope, if you do relate, that you might find some freedom in the idea of not wearing your smart watch with me one day if it’s become more of a prison for you than just the intended information it provides because on the upside, while I took a little break from working out since being floored by a flu recently I’ve been enjoying my walks so much more, being present with my husband on our (ok slow walks is so his thing.. I still love to walk fast, it’s just who I am, ha) slower walks together. For real though, I’m more in the moment, letting our little dog Winston stop + sniff as many times as he wishes cause let’s face it, he doesn’t give a damn what pace we take so long as he gets to stop a million times to pee on every plant + check out all the corners. And how do I record my workouts you might (or totally might not) ask? Well in case you were wondering for friend, this week I went to my first class since being sick + it was fabulous. I was there, on the reformer, in my body.

And while I’m definitely not saying I won’t ever wear it again or dive back into the desire to track my movement, for now it’s a welcomed calm in mind + body to move with more of a body-mind connection as my focus + to cherish what it feels like to move again rather than how a device dictates it should feel to me. A more nourishing + self-respecting body-mind connection is something I am really working toward as it’s something I notice is still very much a work in progress for me. Well if I can give up the stats, then maybe we really can do anything. Here’s to progress, not perfection.

Wellness Retreats for Your Consideration, 2023

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne


NUSHU is a wellness collective I had the pleasure of encountering last year while on a retreat in Spain. A beautiful company with immensely meaningful + soul strengthening foundations, NUSHU was founded by Vanessa Cornell in New York City with the vision to hold safe space + a supportive environment for those seeking to live authentic, inspired + more joyful lives. With regular groups held virtually, the company also hosts the most beautiful destination retreats ranging from surf retreats in Costa Rica to rock climbing + hiking adventures in Upstate New York where each time the sole aim is to combine adventure, fun + joy with opportunities for connecting with incredible women in a safe, nurturing + judgment-free environments. And what’s more curative than a dreamy escape with a wonderful group of women supported by the open-minded + healing power of a NUSHU group.. quite literally nothing. NUSHU is a space to find home within.

Learn more  //  NUSHU.COM


I was recently introduced to the beautiful yogi ways of Roberto Bitettio through my gym in here in Dublin. I’m not someone who would take a yoga at a gym too seriously to be honest but I felt called to attend Roberto’s vinyasa class + I couldn’t be happier I did. A true yogi, Roberto’s energy on + off the mat is a genuine delight. His yoga flows + sequences are empowering + powerful, both gentle yet strengthening all at once. I love a challenge + he most certainly brings that to the mat. I have been booking back in as often as possible + now I’m looking at his beautiful retreats for the year in his home in Lecce, Southern Italy where he hosts yoga escapes that seem as dreamy in real life as they look + read.



I just recently stumbled upon ŌTIUM late last year + have since been dreaming of escaping into their world as soon as humanly possible. Focusing on well-being + self-exploration through the mediums of creativity, movement + the art of unwinding, ŌTIUM focuses each of their retreats on a specific theme depending on the location. ŌTIUM’s founder spent the last decade in the luxury industry bringing other brand’s vision’s to life while continuously diving into other cultures + local delicacies in some of the world’s most luxurious destinations. Now, Samantha brings her vision toile via ŌTIUM upon the beautiful principles that act as the brand’s foundational ethos: the road less travelled is always one of self-discovery, impactful + intimate gatherings harness truthful + meaningful connection, ancient wisdom never gets old + ŌTIUM is always based on entirely immersive experiences for the individual.

Learn more // ŌTIUM.COM


For she who loves movement, she who seeks adventure + she who values peace” a retreat with She She Retreats is a must addition to your bucket list. With a strong emphasis on movement + mind, nourishing nutrition, community + conscious living, the only thing you need with you in attendance of a She She retreat is an open mind to your own untapped potential upon reconnecting with your most authentic self. Stripped back of all the distractions of every day life, it is the greatest gift of all to give oneself the space + time to rebalance within + that is exactly whatShe She Retreats does to a tee + in incredible locations that will take your breath away.

Learn more // S H E S H E - R E T R E A T S .C O M


I first came across yoga teacher, Jaime Hepburn a few years ago + immediately fell for her calm energy, incredible aesthetics + her clearly innate gift around design. Drawn in pretty much straight away though to her yoga teachings + online classes, it has been her teaching style + incredible way of guiding students through a variety of flows that has kept me an enthusiast. At the time she was based on the West Coast of the US + her adventures were beautiful Cali vibes, sunshine + yoga. But even in rainy London, her authenticity, vision + practice remains in tact + no matter where she is her retreats seem to be as beautiful IRL as IG would suggest. Having practiced on her digital platform The Yoga Library + been to Basic Space, her now in-person studio in London, I can attest to the fact that to flow in retreat with Jaime must be a dream.

Learn more // JAIMEHEPBURN


WYLDER Retreats is another company I came across late last year in my search for something to ground + balance in 2023. Founded by private yoga teacher, Charlotte Townend, the company is home to a collective of brilliant creatives based in Ibiza + Formentera. Teaming up with local chefs, movement practitioners + other creatives, Charlotte curates each retreat with the aim to immerse you in the local beauty + experiences of these special Spanish islands. An escape that is entirely beautiful + nourishing.

Learn more // W Y L D E R R E T R E A T S


From Mallorcan style fincas to riads in Morocco, wherever LT & Co. decides to retreat, rest assured it’s going to be one fabulous experience for your mind, body + soul. With much attention directed to the nurturance of the mind-body connection through experiences in nature + wellness practices beyond the obvious, each retreat is carefully curated by LT & Co.’s founder Lizi, a pilates instructor who embodies the well-being of the Mediterranean lifestyle from her base in Spain. To assist in a full mind + body reset, farm-to-table nourishment is brought to life by a collection of plant based + vegetarian chefs using all locally sourced seasonal produce. The idea of an entire experiential journey is what you’ll step into with LT & Co.

Learn more // L T & C O

Photo Sources 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5


What Is.. Forest Bathing

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Full disclosure, forest bathing sounds slightly more elaborate than it is. You don’t need your swimsuit, not even a towel + actually it is not even really an organised event as such. Forest bathing is simply the act of mindfully immersing oneself in nature; bathing our senses rather than our bodies. However it is the effects of forest bathing that are so much more interesting than the now trendy term often appears. As old as nature itself, the expression was only coined in the ‘80’s when the Japanese put structure to what cultures around the world have historically used for thousands of years: the irreplaceable healing effects of the natural world on human well-being.

Seen as an antidote to a rather aggressive emergence of the tech-boom, shinrin-yoku as it is known in Japanese, was a welcomed remedy to the then very stressful environments materialising in the workplace throughout Japan. In fact it was seen to be so effective on people’s health that the Japanese government began prescribing it for highly-stressed-out workers. By the ‘90’s, researchers were becoming more + more interested in the positive impact the practice was having on people’s mental + physical well-being that they began looking into the benefits for everyone no matter the scale of stress. What distinguishes forest bathing from a simple walk though? Great question. Well, striping everything back to the power of our senses has significant capacity to decrease anxiety + depression; working to slow everything down in the mind positively feeds through into the body as greater embodied level of overall health. As we become more aware of how detrimental mental stress is to the physical body we actually have more ability to heal ourselves than ever before. And as is often typical of the most powerful healing tools, it really is simple.

These days there are many trending groups coming to light with professional guides to take you on mindfulness / meditative walks all over the world. Some therapists - see Hike Psych as one example - are even taking sessions outdoors in an effort to further influence the work done during psychotherapy treatment. Some things to consider though if you decide to embark upon a more immersive experience in nature yourself are to leave your phone behind if it’s safe to do so. Being present with the capacity to connect with the world around you is the only real focus. As wonderful as it is to go with others, try it by yourself if you’re looking to tap into your innate ability to heal + hone a more focused ability to tune out the world + into your intuitive powers. Don’t clock your walk or time on any device, it’s about mindfulness without judgement, not achievement of any kind, especially not steps, calories or distance. As you step away from the distractions of your everyday world, seek to bring awareness to your senses, ask yourself, what do I see? What can I hear? What does it feel like to touch the trees or how does it feel to walk over the different textures of the forests floor? Can I smell anything?

There’s just one question left, are you ready to feel the power of nature in a whole new way?

Yoga Mats Worth Investing In

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

Whether you bring your own mat to the studio or prefer practicing at home in your own environment, a mat you really cherish is an important element upon which to begin your yoga journey - or for those who may have practiced for years, something to treat yourself to. In saying that, I acknowledge entirely that our mats + the asana we do on them are just one part of the yogi life. Yet it’s nice to invest love + energy into the space upon which you come to practice with intention + conscious purpose. Mats are often seen as simply a functional object but they represent a grounding, a connection between us + the earth that deserves to be loved + enjoyed. Here are some incredible ones to consider.


Conceived by instructors + medical experts, the Casall yoga mat has won awards for it’s specifically dynamic design which focuses on exceptional grip + luxurious cushioning. The brand’s innately sleek design makes for a beautiful mat to flow on, thanks to the brand’s Swedish roots.

€99.95 // Shop HERE


The 01 Series Yoga Mat by Furo Studios, another beautiful manifestation of the genius that is Swedish design, is the pinnacle of Furö Studios sustainable yoga accessories collection as brought to life by Jesper + Frida Starvid. The mat is designed around the idea of your space, minimalist so that you can focus on your alignment it offers immense grip under pressure + like all the best mats out there, it’s natural rubber materials act as an enhanced shock absorber so that your joints are supported fully.

€160 // Shop HERE


Whether in the studio or practicing at home, B Yoga`s B MAT Strong Yoga Mat is a strong choice for your everyday rituals but also amazing for it’s minimal weight which means you can easily transport it with you so, no matter where you are, home is where your mat is. Some of my favourite studios (The Class in NYC for one) use B YOGA mats.

€99.95 // Shop HERE


The idea of slow living as a way of being was really brought home in 2019 with the creation of Koko ni (meaning here) mats by husband + wife team James + Bianca Stephenson. With the idea that objects carry energy, the mats are made with energetical intention + manifest in physical form with natural tree rubber + luxurious recycled vegan suede. These mats are not only incredibly loving to the environment but also aesthetically beautiful; proving to be something not just to practice on but to complement your environment, a piece for your home. With this one, I must admit, home on the mat never felt so chic.

£98 // Shop HERE


Made from natural rubber for extra cushioning along with algae + pre-consumer Eva, all of which ensure this mat is 100% repurposing materials from landfills + making your time on the mat that bit more meaningful.

€100 // Shop HERE

** Disclaimer, some of the links in this article are affiliate links, meaning if you click through + decide to purchase the item, I get a small percentage of the price. Commission is only transferred if you purchase however. You do not pay any more than the store’s recommend retail price.


What are.. Adaptogens

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Adaptogens. You’ve probably heard of this super on-trend topic of conversation in the wellness space. Ashwagandha. Reishi. Lion’s Mane. Cordyceps. Ginseng. Chaga. Maca. Among a whole host of others are all adaptogens. I first came across them + was drawn in when Moon Juice launched in 2011 + to be quite honest, I didn’t really understand them or know exactly why I was using them but I was intrigued by their Eastern roots, the powerful + natural properties I read about + to be really frank, I admired the way Amanda Chantal Bacon, the founder of Moon Juice lived her life + shared about her own health journey. Something I was struggling with so intensely + in every part of my life at the time.

Truthfully, I am in the process of learning more about their individual uses + understanding the why of each one’s existence + appropriate consumption on a personal level but to put it simply + at a general level, adaptogens are natures way of offering the body a real way to heal itself; they are adaptogenic substances ( herbs) extracted from plants + mushrooms that assist the body in it’s response to a variety of real or perceived traumas including stress, anxiety + fatigue. Adaptogens have been avaialble - and in use - for millions of years in Eastern healing methods. Working WITH the body to counteract the resulting effects of stress that can manifest physically, mentally + emotionally, the more consistent one is in using adaptogens in your day-to-day routine the more the body begins to positively adapt toward the desired outcome of the specific adaptogen being used. It’s about coming home to your center-point, that state of homeostasis where the body + each of it’s functional systems flow in harmony, toward a more sustained + favourable equilibrium; all in support of + in co-existence with a healthy + rewarding state of well-being. It is really about regaining balance in the overall working of our physiological processes. Adaptogens are a natural way of calming the nervous system in the moment while also working to alter the bodies ability to regulate itself over time.

In sourcing adaptogenic products, I am quite choosy, as like many of the wellness products on the market, some are not created with integrity or enough knowledge. Brands that work directly, + in some cases solely, with adaptogens that I can personally recommend, trusting they work at a very authentic level with the power of adaptogens are: Supernova Living, Anima Mundi, Moon Juice, Four Sigmatic, ARTAH, Pukka, Hone + Wild Nutrition. Each of these brands use them in a variety of ways from coffee substitution to pure forms to be added to your morning coffee or smoothies. There are endless others on the market but upon my own experience, these are the ones I’ve tried + loved. Have you tried them? What do you think?


Meditation, My Daily Practice

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

For far too long I really wanted to be someone who meditated yet I’d been equally + entirely annoyed by myself year after year for not simply going ahead + being what I set out to be. So at the beginning of 2022 I made a final commitment to bring meditation into my life as a daily practice. It was one of my focused goals for the year; something I knew would have an effect on my overall well-being, but I hadn’t really anticipated just how positively consequential it would end up being.

I’d been over-complicating it in my head, a precise example of why I needed to meditate. So in looking for something to keep me focused + on track while also tapping into a deeper part of myself, I came across O P E N. At first, I will admit, I was lured in by it’s design, it’s no secret that I am a sucker for a chic contemporary vibe + it was the beautiful aesthetics of the brand that caught my attention initially, however, in looking for a genuine practice, no body ca stay just for the aesthetics + 8 months in, I can definitely say it has most certainly been the content + the results of my practice with OPEN that has kept me coming back.

O P E N is an incredibly beneficial platform based on the ancient practices of Eastern wisdom married with present-day science + a rather healthy dose of “IRL” awareness that emerges from it’s foundational philosophy which embodies a genuine knowing that real life in 2022 isn’t sitting on the side of a mountain, able to meditate 24-7. Unless of course that’s what you choose + more respect to those who lead such a life. But in the majority, in which I find myself on this one, that’s simply not my choice. I need something that grants me some sort of peace in the pace of my own life.

So in wanting to find a solid practice, something that allowed me create space along with an empowered ability to actually create that space for myself eventually, I decided to give O P E N a proper try. I signed up immediately, paying upfront for my year membership so I would feel the pinch in knowing I’d really committed - an accountability of sorts. And from the get-go it’s become a pivotal part of my daily wellness rituals. And on the note of accountability, OPEN allows you see how many days you’ve been consistent with your practice which I find incredibly helpful, as in the beginning of starting anything, until you delve deeper into + begin to feel the benefits of something newly implimented, we often need something to keep us accountable. And that’s ok. Everyone finds their own way, their individual method by which they find their own peace within this world but in personal experience thus far, O P E N has (excuse the pun) opened a real deal portal into an inner peace I didn’t know I could tap into - or perhaps more aptly put, a solace that maybe exists in all of us, just one we have to consciously tap into. Along with that, it’s always great to be the person you set out to be. Showing up for you is always a good idea.

At the helm of OPEN is Manoj Dias who was born + raised in the Theravada Buddhist tradition + who founded a previous venture called A-SPACE which acted as a pioneering multidisciplinary meditation studio, a first in Dias’ homeland of Australia. With innovative foresight + the understanding of the need for such a platform in people’s lives, A-SPACE was acquired by O P E N, becoming what it is today, a cool but sincere way of creating a space in your life where you can delve deeper into your chosen healing journey, create calm or just about whatever you mind, body or soul needs.

Recently I became an ambassador with the brand, a partnership I am so thrilled to share the benefits of with you. As part of sharing it with you, I can gift you a fully complimentary 30-day trial on the platform that grants full access to it’s three components; meditation, movement + breath-work.

It’s simple, download the app + get your 30 day complimentary trial through // THIS LINK // or simply add the code HAUTE30 when you signup through any other link. This is simply to allow you try the platform, fully free for 30 days + you can cancel at any time before a paid membership begins. I hope you love it as much as I do. Let me know over on Instagram..


Artah, The Retreat of Dreams

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

These days I’m a huge advocate of truthfully feeling healthy from the inside out. Never had I realized prior to the past few years that how we treat our bodies has a direct + consequential result on how we experience our lives; trust me, I’ve done it all + in the end, the most beneficial way of nourishing the body is one that energizes, nurtures + encourages optional functionality at a mental, physical + emotional level.

It’s safe to say I’ve been committed to my own practice + deepened search of whole well-being over the past number of years; a journey encompassing the goal of healthy being at a much more feel-good level than any of the previously harsh + restrictive practices I used to see as the only approach to my body. After years of being completely in denial about how depleted I was in every way imaginable, I realize it was a combination of many factors married with a complete unawareness of what it is to feel good that I was so far from any concept of the potential of my body. From being lost in the haze of disordered eating + serious malnourished fogginess will do that to you though - don’t fool yourself if you’re in it, I can report from the other side (+ I say with much love + encouragement) that it’s a really inadequate way of existing. It is so possible + in contrast, feeling good from the inside out is something I now consider as much a luxury as it is a necessity; perhaps even a responsibility I uphold myself to. Feeling legitimately well is a reality in my daily life that I will do anything to protect, nurture + deepen now.

As part of this physical, + what has honestly for me been somewhat of a spiritual or transcendental journey, I have looked to those who live a life of sincere vitality in their own ways - those from whom I can sense their natural + genuinely healthy spark. Someone who has been part of that select group of individuals + brands is Rhian Stephenson who, just pre-pandemic founded Artah Retreats, a company founded on Rhian’s own passion for wellness + the desire to share her wealth of knowledge with the world + her wisdom of the body in it’s varying degrees of magnitude. Now, simply Artah, the brand has expanded to a digital offering which comprises of a membership style community with a very educational slant with 21 weekly recipes alongside it’s product line of specific + incredibly beneficial supplements, each developed by Rhian + the Artah team in the search for better, more sustainable energy + a determined command of your health. All of which is founded upon the wholesome philosophy that by nourishing the body it will begin to trust us + in return work at it’s meant to, optimally + sustainably. Perhaps we could even go as far as to say that by actually listening or catering to our bodies cues, you can really begin to create + curate an enhanced feeling of well-being in your overall life. Something I completely contest to today.

Last month, I was deeply grateful for the opportunity to delve into the world of Artah in much more depth by attending a 5-day retreat at the brand’s Spanish property, Can Terrades. A stunning destination within its own right, Can Terrades plays host to exactly what Artah represents: wholesome, empowered, holistic + mindful living. Framed by vineyards + mountains, the 100-acre estate sits in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains + was brought to life, alongside Stephenson’s vision, by London based interior designer Rachel Laxer who’s work speaks volumes to the fact that our environment most definitely has a direct effect on our well-being + in this case a profoundly positive one. At its core, Can Terrades is a presentation of overall holistic living, something that really nurtures every part of you once you step away from the world + into its welcoming embrace.

Waking up in such chic + natural surrounds was a dream. Each day planned to maximize the 5 day stay while equally making time for some chill time spent by the pool. Depending on the particular specifics of the retreat, each has a focus. For this one it was to sculpt + flow where early risings lead to a beautiful 3-4 hour morning hike post breakfast + a FIRE (AF the burn was SO real) barre class pre-dinner with the entire afternoon to simply unwind; there is an infrared sauna (obsessed), an LED light machine, reading spaces + places to do nothing but drink up the goodness of a day spent in the world of Artah.

Food at the retreat is a dream at each sitting. Curated + prepared by Phillipa Fern - who also creates the weekly menus on Artah’s platform + whom I can absolutely say is a food goddess - each meal is a considered creation as delicious as it is functional. The team work the nutrition into the day so as to encourage the body to optimize natural digestion + revitalize your energy at a cellular level.

As a pilates/barre fan, to be taught each day by BLOK’s head barre instructor Ellya Sam was another delight each evening pre-dinner. It’s a given that whoever Artah’s chosen resident teacher is during a retreat you are are inn for a treat. The movement is instrumental in bringing the fire + Ellya most certainly brought that in bundles. Bookending each day with movement was an incredible way to give the body that blast of dynamic energy + being a movement lover it was right up my alley.

Coming to the end of the stay with Artah was a bittersweet union of excited enthusiasm in wanting to implement this way of living in every second of my life with a slight mourning that you can’t just stay forever. A (re)treat to be repeated + loved time + time again.

Read my interview with Artah’s founder Rhain // HAUTE so FABULOUS x RHIAN STEPHENSON, THE INTERVIEW


Step into the world of Artah // A R T A H . C O

Rhian Stephenson, Founder of Artah; The Interview

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

Having been on my own personal health journey for many years now I have come to unquestionably respect + appreciate the importance of a truthful, effective + loving approach to my wellness as a whole. As part of this continued path for me, I have been genuinely inspired by the work of today’s interviewee. I am so honored to introduce you to Rhian Stephenson, someone at the absolute forefront of the well-being industry. Founder of ARTAH, a whole-body holistic wellness company based in London but with a Spanish retreat location, Rhian is a force to be reckoned with + a wealth of important knowledge in her approach to healthful + conscious longeivity around our minds + bodies, cutting out all the BS fads that have, unpon the precieved ‘failures’ of their targets, made so many company’s their billions. I spoke with Rhian about her own journey + the practices that keep her feeling well, energized + at her best..

HSF - Rhian, tell us about yourself + your journey to date... beyond the brand, who are you?  

RS - Well I’m originally from Canada where I trained as a trained Naturopath, Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist. I grew up as a competitive athlete so my love for health and fitness started at a really young age, and its contributed to why I have such a holistic approach to blending movement with nutrition + healing practices to create overall health. Before I started Artah I was the CEO of Psycle London and led the brand for 7 years before moving back into functional medicine, so I've been lucky enough to be able to blend both of my loves in my career path to date.  I have a young daughter named Maisie and as I write this, am 9 days away from delivering my next daughter... so lots on my plate! 

HSF - And on the brand, ARTAH is such a beautiful, nurturing + wholly authentic culmination of your expertise. For anyone yet to experience ARTAH though, explain if you would the vision + philosophy of the company + how it came to fruition...  

RS - As a child I was extremely sick. From chronic bronchitis and sinus infection to stomach migraines and debilitating headaches, I was never well and always felt different to everyone else. I was processed through just about every specialist in the traditional medical system but nobody could find a cause of my symptoms, so I was labelled a 'sickly' child with a weak consitution and always sent home with painkillers and antibiotics. Finally when I was in my late teens, my mother took me to a Naturopath who discovered I had an allergy to caesin (a protein in milk), numerous vitamin deficiencies and chronic inflammation. After about 3 months of working with her I was a different child - I had energy, my symptoms had virtually disappeared, and over the course of the next year my academic and athletic performance skyrocketed. This was when I realised that the food you eat can change your life, and that just because there is an absence of disease it doesn't mean that we are healthy. This is what got me really excited about getting to the root causes of imbalances and helping people cultivate optimal health. When I was at Psycle, we saw thousands of people per week and even though they were falling in love with movement and getting fitter, so many were still plagued with similar issues of imbalance - IBS, skin issues, menstrual problems, disrupted sleep, anxiety, hormonal imbalances... all of these things were still so prevalent even with a population of people who were invested in health and fitness. So with Artah I wanted to bring everything together and make the principles of functional medicine more accessible - from practitioner grade supplements to nutrition plans and retreats, we really want to empower people to live life in their best health. 

HSF - Have you always been so passionate about health or have there been challenges that afforded you a fresh perspective on what it means to feel good? 

RS - My experience as a child helped me understand what health really means, but I had another challenge that helped me empathise with what people are up against after I had my daughter. I was going through an extremely stressful work transition right after I gave birth which caused a huge amount of anxiety. Coupled with sleepless nights, breastfeeding, the pandemic, recovering from a c section, and the general challenges that new moms face, I was in the worst place I had ever been. I could feel that there was something underlying going on that had been brought on by this experience, but when I went to the Dr they wouldn't do any tests and just offered me anxiety medication. I think that it's really challenging to advocate for yourself when you're a patient, especially when you're in a vulnerable state, and if I didn't have the background I have I would probably have just left it there and gotten worse. I tried to push for blood tests but ended up going private, and it turned out that I had post-partum thyroiditis and anaemia, so once I found that out I could work on getting back to health. I think we're taught to accept that feeling bad can just be normal or in our head, which is incredibly disempowering and holds a lot of people back from experiencing great health. 

HSF - You work holistically on all elements of people’s health, from the physical to the mental. For anyone wanting to begin to feel better in themselves, where do you suggest beginning? It can be daunting for many...

RS - I think it's really important to start off with the right mindset - which is that this approach takes time and you don't need to do it all at once. I often see people 'fail' because they try to implement everything all at once in an incredibly extreme manner and then be perfect from day one, but we don't expect this from anything else in our lives and it's a hard standard to live up to. So, once you know it's process, I think a great first step is an audit. Go through physical health, emotional health, nutrition, and movement and see where you are compared to where you want to be. From there you can start to create actions. There may be some really obvious things that stand out - that you can change right away for immediate impact while you work on others. It's important to get onto a good nutrition plan because of how impactful that is for emotional health and then build in from there. 

HSF - What are your tips for building a strong routine around wellness as a lifestyle, a mentality of longevity in a way.. 

RS - Mentality wise, the most important thing is to move away from thinking solely about weight and aesthetics to understanding the enormous impact that wellness has on emotinoal health, relationships, longevity and disease risk. Connecting wellness to happiness is important - this will help you feel confident and consistent in your choices and the habits you wish to cultivate. I always recommend that people set 3 non-negotiables. These can change as your lifestyle changes or throughout the years, but it helps you commit to positive behaviours that you know will be additive to your health. I also think it's important to set aside time for yourself a few times a year - whether you want to call it a cleanse, a reset, or a retreat - to focus on yourself and feeling good. We often neglect the rest and restore aspect of wellbeing and I see so many people who burn the candle at both ends but never take time to replenish - this is totally unsustainable. Finally, I think it's important to realise that we are responsible for our health - and if we want it to come through for us we need to invest in it. 

HSF - Do you have a morning +/or nighttime routine? 

RS - At night I always take 10-20 minutes to unwind with a little bit of stretching and yin before bed. Because I run my own business, it's so easy to be on email right up until I turn the lights out, and when I do that my sleep is terrible, so I need to set a screen limit and get back into my body before I go to bed. I've also noticed that since my baby I am far less tolerant to coffee in the morning - it makes me incredibly anxious. So, everyday I have 500mls with our Cellular Hydration before I do anything else and this really energises me and sets my mood on the right course. Other than that my routines have pretty much been focused on baby/toddler care for the past 2 years! 

HSF - What wellness products or tools can you not live without? Anything you think is worth investing in? 

RS - If you really want to invest in a larger product, I would recommend the Joovv light. It's a red and infrared light therapy box which I have found incredibly helpful for mood, energy, skin and sleep (especially throughout the winter!). In terms of other things I can't live without, I obviously am pretty attached to my supplements. Enhanced Nootropics, Essential Omegas, Essential GLA and Cellular Hydration are my go to. Finally I love bodywork, so one of my favourite tools is the bed of nails acupucnture mat. 

HSF - Gut health is thankfully becoming a more recognised + integral part in the conversation around long-term health, what is your philosophy on it?  

RS - I'm really glad that the importance of gut health is finally being recognized. From a functional medicine POV and from a traditional medicine POV - whether you're looking at Ayurveda, TCM or any other traditional form of healing - gut health is integral to every aspect of health. This notion was quite misaligned with allopathic medicine, where everything was viewed of as separate. Now we know that the microbiome influences everything, from the neurotransmittors that govern our mood and signalling that influences appetite, to inflammation, immunity and insulin balance. This doesn't even take into effect one of the most important actions of the gut, which is the digestion and assimilation of nutrients, so ensuring our gut health is on track is fundamental to any health goal. 

HSF - We live in quite a high energy world now - for many there is a lot of anxiety in the everyday - how can the ARTAH way of living play a more positive part in our mental + emotional health? 

RS - A simple and impactful way to influence our emotional health is to balance blood sugar. When our blood sugar and metabolic health is off we can literally feel unhinged, so cultivating a positive and consistent approach to nutrition is one of the most important things we can do. The Artah philosophy strives to empower individuals to understand and take control of health, energy and mood. This doesn't mean that you need to be perfect, but it means that you build awareness and knowledge around how your body actually works so that you're able to interpret the fluctuations that naturally occur and kow what levers you can pull to get back on track or reset when you need to.  

HSF - On the idea of beauty + wellness in general I find it so destructive that women have been sold the idea of “beauty” being the goal. There’s a false sense of necessity in it to ensure one’s success in life; something you can attain in the next procedure or detox, moisturiser, or mask. I guess so much of the industry has been all about the aesthetic for so long. I love to see this shifting toward an importance around feeling good + living healthily in a more holistic way. Beauty from the inside out, I guess. I really admire brands that prioritise wellness as a form of beauty + empowerment. Thank you for being part of that for women. It’s an important adjustment. Do you see people’s mentality shifting when it comes to the value of overall well-being from the inside out? Is that a driving force behind ARTAH or something that naturally results in what you do?  

RS - It's something that's inherant to our philosophy, because being truly well isn't about hitting a goal weight or having perfect skin. When we're solely focused on aesthetics, it's so challenging to maintain and can be incredibly destructive. When we're focused on health, energy, fulfillment - this is when we naturally start to see changes in everything. Our attitude, demeanour, resilience, relationships - everything improves when we are well and healthy. Things like a healthy weight and good skin will be a natural side effect of creating a healthy internal environment. Don't get me wrong, it's ok to want to look good, but not at the expense of feeling good or true emotional health. 

HSF - What do you do to stay mentally well? 

RS - Daily movement is probably the most important - I love running and it really helps me feel grounded and happy. But I also need dedicated time to rest and recharge, I find it really exhuasting to manage a business as a new mom so I need to make sure that I have enough time to chill out and take time for myself.  I use supplements as a way to ensure I stay happy. Right now with a business and kids, I don't sleep as much as I'd like and I definitely need more of the nutrients that support stress. Magnesium, methylated b vitamins and ashwagandha are in our Enhanced Nootropics which I take daily. I also use Cellular Hydration for energy, mood and concentration and feel a big difference when I don't take them. 

HSF - Do you have any non-negotiables in your day? 

RS - Movement and nutritious food are my non-negotiables. I learned long ago that eating the wrong foods makes everything harder, so I'm actually quite good at buckling down and taking care of my nutrition when I'm stressed because I know how much harder evreything else is when that is off track. 

HSF - Your favourite piece of advice or approach to live by? 

 RS - A good friend of mine once said to me 'you can't eat an elephant in one sitting.' I love this piece of advice - it reminds us that big things take time so we need to be kind to ourselves and a little more patient. 

HSF - If you had one more hour in your day, how would you spend it? 

RS - Well right now I'm pregnant with a toddler.. so the honest answer is I'd probably sleep! But honestly, as a mother running a business, I never feel like I have enough times for friends and social connection, which definitely affects me. So, I'd want to spend it with friends, whether it be a walk, a fitness class, cooking together or just chatting.



Wellness Podcasts On Repeat, Part I

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne


I adore everything Lacy Phillips does + have been a member of her platform, To Be Magnetic for some time now. Lacy is a manifesting expert who’s philosophy is founded on the reality rather than the fluff which I love as it’s actual practices you can implement into your life + a lot of which I’ve come to use as part of my own way of living. This is her podcast where she and her business partner Jessica share their wealth of knowledge + interview other’s with similar mindsets + approach to the art of manifesting as a way of living.

Listen anywhere you get your podcasts //


In classic wellness-addict style, GOOP always makes my weekly list of listens. Interesting + interested, the GOOP team are always on the hunt for what’s hot in every imaginable domain of the wellness arena. Let’s just say, if it’s in GOOP it’s a thing + even if it's not something you personally wish to apply, it’s typically something worth learning about.

Listen anywhere you get your podcasts //


I’m a huge, huge Sakara Life fan + when it’s founders Danielle Duboise + Whitney Tingle launched their podcast in 2020 I was immediately addicted as I’d always been a fan of their core philosophy around whole health in body, mind + soul. Taking on a variety of topics + conversations Whitney + Danielle say, “everything you take in, from the food you eat to the content you absorb, ultimately informs who you are” which is exactly my own school of thought.

Listen on S P O T I F Y or A P P L E


Quite honestly, I’m a newcomer to this one but so far I’ve been really enjoying Emily’s approach to health + wellness as a whole. One of my favourites so far is her interview with Manoj Dias, the founder of OPEN, the meditation app I use on a daily basis + who’s outlook on mental wellness is one I hugely value in my own processes. I’m excited to delve more + more into Emily’s world.

Listen on S P O T I F Y or A P P L E


Kelly Leveque is someone I’ve followed for years + someone I look to for her nourishing perspective + practices toward food + the body. From her cookbooks + desire to bring body love to the table, alongside her healthy mindset around nourishing the body rather than ever punishing it - this podcast is a really rounded point of view that, in union with the carefully selected guests Kelly invites on to the show, goes beyond but always strongly aligned with Kelly’s fundamental values.

Listen on S P O T I F Y or A P P L E


As a 33 year old woman I must admit I don’t know half as much as I could about my own body's processes. I’m a health nut at my core but when it comes to my period, I absolutely am only learning. I get it, but beyond that, I’m only understanding the value in being as knowledegable about my period as posisble. Period Power by Maisie Hill, (the book) is something of a bible for woman + her podcast is a further look into a deeper appreciation + awareness of the magic within.

Listen on S P O T I F Y or A P P L E


45-minute conversations and investigations with today's leading thinkers, authors, experts, doctors, healers, scientists about life's biggest questions: Why do we do what we do? How can we come to know and love ourselves better? How can we come together to heal and build a better world? This one is by former editor-in-chief of GOOP, Elise Loehnen which means IYKYK, it’s goooooood.

Listen on S P O T I F Y or A P P L E

Wellness Books To Note // Part I

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

There is no one big answer in or to anything in this life. Having said that, there are undoubtedly lots of little lessons along the way that shine a light on deeper meaning to or a wider perspective on certain parts of life + our place within in. As a person, I’ve always been drawn to understanding things on a deeper level + as part of that personal exploration I’ve found certain self-development books to be hugely beneficial. I’ve found part of myself in + elements of the person I have become are, in part, thanks to the lessons such books have afforded me; some truly have really been a huge part of my journey thus far or in a moment, have helped me go deeper, whether I realized it at the time or only really grasped the depth of the books effect on my journey till later.

Acting as some classification of therapy for many, books that seek to teach at a personal level can contribute hugely to our healing processes + lend themselves as a unique perspective in the techniques we incorporate into our daily lives, ultimately enriching our experiences + very souls. As part of a longer list that I will continue to share, here are some of those books worth their weight in gold:

james clear atomic habits


I read this book last January (2021) + loved it so much that I re-read it again at the beginning of the year. Atomic Habits is one of those books that speaks to the practical side of bettering our processes some can live the life we actually want. James Clear is an inspirational, honest + genius writer, piecing together a hands-on guide to understanding the science + meaning in routine + how to actually weave new habits into your life with lasting effects. It helped me greatly in creating a better mentality around habits + the idea that habits are simply choices repeated again + again. This is one that I will most likely re-read every year of my life..

Find out more // J A M E S C L E A R



This classic read delves into the truth of who we really are at a soul level + the possibility of what it is to live beyond the limitations of our conscious mind, the part of ourselves that can all too often hold us back from who we really are. It opens us to the potential of what life can be when we break through any + all boundaries we previously thought to be true while the author, Michael A. Singer breaks it down in manageable pieces so you can begin to discover more inner peace day by day.

This is one that, to grasp on a deeper level, I find I must read again + again. I have heard different things from it at various times + also have been able to receive distinctly transformational lessons each time I’ve opened this book.

Find out more // T H E U N T E T H E R E D S O U L



One of those books that has you smiling + crying in the same moment, The Last Lecture by Professor Randy Pausch is a must read for every human. Pausch wasn’t just imagining his last lecture when he wrote this moving + inspirational book, he was living it out as his own reality due to his recent diagnosis of terminal cancer. IN delivering his last lecture, entitled ‘Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams’, he imparts his wisdom around about the importance of conquering life’s challenges, facilitating the dreams of others + of making the very most of each moment we have - as he had eventually found out, we sometimes may just have a limited amount left to make anything of. This book is one to be read throughout the ages no matter your age + one that brings depth to what’s most important + a lightness to what can feel all too overwhelming sometimes. This book is a beautiful rendition of what it’s like to live.

Find out more // T H E L A S T L E C T U R E



Intense. Like really intense. Very real. Incredibly insightful. And remarkably beneficial in it’s approach to + treatment of trauma, The Body Keeps the Score is celebrated the world over for it’s holistic perspective on the stress trauma causes on the body + how, in real everyday ways we can shift away from it + cultivate a new power within to heal + deal with the parts that often lay stuck in our bodies from what has happened. In his widely acclaimed work, Dr Bessel van der Kolk goes beyond the traditional therapies of medication + talking that haven’t always proven entirely instrumental in healing or allowing one go beyond what haunts them - this book is a gift to yourself if you’ve found that no matter how much ‘work’ you’ve done on what happened, you still find the struggle real. It’s like a bible to understanding your stress responses in more depth + how you can bring compassion + action to the healing process.

Find out more // T H E B O D Y K E E P S T H E S C O R E



I am a huge believer in cold therapy. A few years back my brother’s girlfriend (who is one of my best friends) + I started sea swimming. Thinking we were entirely mad, like full-on cray-cray, we would get up early to met before the day began + get our fix of the freezing cold winter sea. Each day we did it, as we lowered ourselves into the water I’d think we must be f*cking crazy, this is TORTURE. However, each time we got out I’d think, wow I can’t wait to do this again tomorrow, that was AMAZING. One of the most unexplainable feelings, bodies of cold water can literally change your life. Wanting to understand more I delved into the world of Wim Hof + his method of breath-work + cold therapy. I haven’t been able to do sea swims of late, however, I’ve continued the work in as much as possible as it’s SO effective in helping with anxiety, depression, low moods + generally my mental health. Wim Hof is a pioneer in the area + sharing his work with the world he is helping people help themselves with amazing, effective + free techniques that truly are transforming. I highly recommend his work, any podcasts/interviews with him +ultimately this book as a great gateway into his world.

Find out more // W I M H O F M E T H O D


Wellness Retreats on my Radar

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne1 Comment

T H E P R A C T I C E // D I G I T A L

One single in-person class was all it took to make me fall head over heels in love with THE PRACTICE + the energy of it’s founder Camilla. It was on our honeymoon that I found her teaching at the chicest pilates studio, Remedy, in Stockholm where she shares her incredible method; taking you on a journey that ignites from within + sparks a whole new perspective on the meaning of self-love. Camilla is bringing her wisdom to the world in her digital masterclass which takes place over a 5 week period where she will share a weekly cooking class + a weekly movement practice. Wait till you experience her energy.. I simply cannot wait for this one.

Learn more // T H E P R A C T I C E

C O R E S T A T E // I R E L A N D

Two full days in the magical presence of Audrey, founder of the global digital pilates brand CORESTATE, is a treat to dive right in to with all your being. I am blessed to call Audrey a dear friend IRL, however beyond knowing her, Audrey is an incredibly accomplished pilates teacher with a (fabulously firey) twist. Bringing her own blend of magic to each class + in every part of her practice beyond the mat Audrey is someone who ignites a genuine + deeply connected love of movement, the mind-body connection + the long-term benefits of taking care of + loving our bodies.

Learn more // I C E H O U S E H O T E L

A R T A H // D I G I T A L

With a deep appreciation of the foundational values + practices of ARTAH, as brought to life by Rhian Stephenson, I am here for just about everything Rhian says + teaches. Already a member of the wellness brand’s monthly membership where one is invited to delve deeper into a healthy, loving + nurturing relationship with food + movement, I can safely say that this is one to make a priority note of if you’re looking to recharge without the too taxing an investment. With the accessibility of doing it virtually, this recharge focused retreat will be wholesome, manageable + eye opening.

Putting it all into one simple quote, Rhian says of her practice “I want people to experience the LIFE CHANGING effects of nutrition, not by focusing on what NOT to eat, but by focusing on quality, flavour+the enjoyment of real food”

Learn more // A R T A H

A L L E Z // G R E E C E

A more recent find in my own world, I came across Marion Pearce of Allez during lockdown life + the need for something to change up my at home workouts was answered. Having a spin bike at the house I was delighted to invite Marion + her team into my days as her energy is electric! Along with her high-vibe cycle classes, Marion is a super beautiful yoga teacher - her House Party classes are fire + so will, I can only imagine, her yoga retreat be this May.

Learn more // A L L E Z

A R T A H // S P A I N

With a high emphasise on stress reduction, this is another curated health journey by ARTAH, this time in person (they also have others too) alongside barre teacher Ellya Sam + yoga instructor Olivia del Balzo. Over the 5 days, ARTHA one can enjoy hikes, therapeutic treatments + quiet time to switch off from the world. Alongside all of this soul nourishment, the food at ARTAH is focused on nutrient dense meals that heal + fuel + encourage the body’s natural processes at acellular level. This one is majorly on my vision board..

Learn more // A R T A H

M A I A W E L L C O // T H E C O T S W O L D S

Having dipped in + out of the beautiful world of Maia Wellco over the past few years myself, I can safely say that this escape will be, without a doubt, something for every part of you. Gentle in her delivery yet rooted in a strong physical practice + an obvious mastery of the practice of pilates, Maia Wellco’s founder, Zoe is an entire tonic for the mind, body + soul.

Learn more // M A I A W E L L C O


Kate Prince, Ancient + Brave Co-Founder ; The Interview

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

Ancient + Brave is a brand I’ve been using for quite some time. I’m not a nutritionist or dietician but what I do know is as we age - more specifically around 30 - our body slowly starts producing less collagen which naturally makes the skin become thinner, drier + less elastic. And while protection is never the aim, nor is stopping the ageing process, I’m a big believer in certain things that WORK. And so, on my personal journey to finding a collagen supplement that wasn’t bulked with nasty toxins + unnecessary fillers, I found - and fell very much in love with - Ancient + Brave, a female-founded company that focuses on feeling good from the inside out. Here I speak with the brand’s co-founder Kate Prince about her journey thus far in the wellness world, her ups + downs + what her philosophy is on ageing gracefully..

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HSF - Kate, Ancient + Brave is hands down one of the brands I’ve found myself quickly (+ gladly) addicted to in my own wellness practices. How did it all start + what brought you into the wellness space?

KP - I previously worked as a media lawyer, working on many TV programs from reality to documentaries. It felt like time for a change, so I started a tea company called Prince & Sons Tea which can be found at hotels such as The Newt and The Pig and we now export around the world. This started my passion for products, brand and formulation. Products should provide balance - from the ritual of opening beautiful packaging, to enjoying amazing ingredients which are not only good for you but taste delicious as well. As I learnt more about nutrition I realised that there is a compromise with many of the wellness blends and protein powders found on the market - many are in plastic containers and you really need to take them as a shot or in a smoothie to hide their challenging taste. We knew we could offer something different and do it better and so, Ancient + Brave was born and is designed to make lifestyle and wellness strategies, such as keto, paleo, exercise and intermittent fasting, simple and effective.

HSF - The brand’s core philosophy revolves around lifestyle choices + fasting strategies, can you take us into that at a deeper level + what that means on a daily basis for those wanting to understand more about the Brave Method..

KP - Whilst using our products alone and in combinations can support specific strategies. While many wellness strategies leave you feeling tired, hungry and sluggish, our Brave Method is designed to benefit you with key nutrition and sustenance when you need it most. Whatever your goal is - stress resilience, immunity support, ketogenics there are products to help you smoothly overcome motivational pitfalls, side-step progress plateaus, support energy and metabolism to easily achieve your goals. The Brave Method cleverly works alongside many of these wellness strategies often making the experience more achievable and empowering.


HSF - How can people use the products in a more self-directed way? Say for those who don’t wish to directly follow intermittently fasting as a rule?

KP - All the products support a whole variety of concerns so not just fasting but those who wish to nourish their skin from within, supplementing a vegan diet, aid recovery from sports injuries, there is an enormous list. We’ve consciously made all the products either completely odourless and tasteless (and therefore easy to add to your chosen drinks and food) or with delicious ingredients that make them a joy to incorporate into your daily rituals.

HSF - How does the sourcing process unfold at Ancient + Brave for specific ingredients?

KP - I absolutely love developing new products and sourcing organic, innovative ingredients. We work with suppliers all over the world to bring together the best ingredients we can find. It's obviously crucial that our products are potent and efficacious so we are really rigorous in our testing and developing phase, it takes such a long time!

HSF - At Ancient + Brave, how do you practice sustainability + continue to ensure you’re always progressing in terms of conscious partnering + your commitment to a better environmental practices?

KP - We regularly go through every aspect of the business and question whether we can do better for the planet. This has meant sourcing better ingredients, packaging and even simplifying our website so it takes less loading time. We also have dedicated environmental officers who continually work together to lower our impact. We’ve partnered up with 1% For the Planet, this is where we donate 1% of every purchase to our chosen charities. We have dedicated a further 1% for charities that specifically help communities to thrive.

HSF - As a female founded company, what challenges have you overcome in the journey thus far?

KP - I read a shocking statistic recently that only 1% of venture capital goes to female founded businesses. There is still such a long way to go for female founded businesses. I have to say that I’ve had nothing but incredible support from other female founders. It’s a very generous community. I don’t fear competition and really love collaborating with other female entrepreneurs.


HSF - What has been the most important piece of advice you’ve received?

KP - Mainly, I think the advice to stay true to your values is the most important. I’m very fortunate to have Renee Elliot, founder of Planet Organic, as a mentor. She’s wonderfully wise, but I love one of her sayings which is don’t overestimate what you can do in a day but don’t underestimate what you can do in a year.

HSF - Being in the wellness space + not to mention, living in a fast-paced world that can feel so overwhelming at times, how do you find balance in your days?

KP - I find the best way to find balance is to start my day incredibly early, I am a complete morning person and love being awake before everyone else. I can often be found in the Ashdown Forest running with my dogs as the sun comes up. I have a beautiful cedar wood, Swedish hot tub which I absolutely love. Next on my wish list is an infrared sauna! My meditation is practicing the drums, albeit quite badly.

HSF - What are your biggest tips on staying healthy?

KP - Concentrating on the basics - drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep – although this is easier said than done with a business, two sons, three dogs and five chickens! I really believe in the healing power of being in nature. We recommend various ancestral rewilding techniques through the Brave Lifestyle; I love walking barefoot and wild swimming. Since lockdown I’ve really got into the classes on Peloton and have a few favourite instructors.

HSF - Do you have a morning + night time routine?

KP - I start everyday with the same ritual of Cacao + Collagen with added True Collagen. I don’t wear a lot of makeup but do really look after my skin. I adore AMLY products and use their products everyday – I have their Exfoliant, Face Mist, Serum all of which are a joy to use.


HSF - On beauty + wellness in general I find it so destructive that women have been sold the idea of “beauty” being something elite. There’s a false sense of necessity in it to ensure one’s success in life; something you can attain in the next procedure or blow-dry, moisturiser or mask. I guess so much of the industry has been all about the aesthetic for far too long. I love seeing this shifting toward an importance around actually feeling good + living healthily though. Beauty from the inside out I guess. I really admire brands that prioritise wellness as a form of beauty. Thank you for being part of that for women.Do you see people’s mentality shifting when it comes to the value of overall well-being? Is that a driving force behind Ancient + Brave or something that just naturally results in what you do?

KP - Thanks so much Rebecca.

I really admire Carla Oates, the Beauty Chef. She was one of the early pioneers of championing beauty from within. I have always been very conscious of what products I consume and so there was absolutely no question of ensuring that our products were ethically sourced, environmentally sustainable and 100% natural. We talk about our products empowering your body, activating your brain and nourishing your beauty - it’s a balance of these three elements that are working together from the inside out.

HSF - What are your thoughts on ageing gracefully?

KP - Yes! Absolutely I am all for ageing gracefully. Longevity is so important to us all – I’ve always been passionate about choosing natural and organic products for myself and it was one of the [key focuses/driving force] when I started Ancient + Brave. I like to think I’ll age a little disgracefully too. I feel I have some pink hair and tattoos in me yet…

HSF - What has been your greatest challenge to date + how have you dealt with it?

KP - Personally, I put myself through the Hoffman Process ten years ago. It’s an exceptionally intense experience but it made me completely re-evaluate my life, allowed me to support my vision and made me the person I am today. Professionally, Brexit! It has been extremely challenging. We’re out the other side of it now and have solved a lot of the problems it created but it has been a very frustrating process, to say the least.


HSF - And your proudest moment?

KP - We’ve just submitted our application to become a B Corp, which is not a process you go through lightly. It may sound dry but creating our environmental, social and governance policy makes me enormously proud. We are constantly having to make business decisions both big and small but sticking to our ethics and values means we can grow the business knowing we are doing things the right way and not foregoing those principles.

HSF - What are some of your unfulfilled ambitions?

KP - We have some brilliant new products in development, which we’ll be launching later this year, with more planned for the future. We’ve sourced some incredible, innovative ingredients; iodine from algae in Iceland, minerals from the pristine waters off the Irish coast. Creating efficacious, potent and sustainable formulas will always be the passion at the heart of the brand and so I’m really excited to launch these and continue to develop our offering.

HSF - And lastly Kate, what’s on the horizon for Ancient + Brave?

KP - We’re at an incredibly exciting stage, I am really excited to continue to grow the team. It is very inspiring to work with such a talented group of people - we are a 100% female team so far!


Shop Ancient + Brave here // A N C I E N T A N D B R A V E . E A R T H

And click through for two of my favourite recipes using Ancient + brave // True MCT and Collagen (Keto) Energy Balls + My own go-to morning smoothie (on repeat no matter where I am)