What Is.. Reviv IV Therapy

Life 02Rebecca O'ByrneComment

Traditional oral supplements are something of a mystery. Some say they’re crucial to obtaining optimum wellness yet three’s a a whole other school of though that considers the taking of supplements a farce and we should be getting the nutrients from the foods we eat. It’s wildly debated as to how much goodness we actually absorb in our daily search for ultimate health via supplements, not to mention how many dollah bills we in fact may perhaps be wasting in the hundreds we spend on vitamins and supplements. 

What if though.. just what if, there’s a way of getting the immediate boost we seek in the form of something just as conventional yet much more effective. Ok step in and let me introduce you to Reviv IV Therapy. Tried and tested, it’s one of the only ways in which we get immediate results that instantly allows the body reap the benefits of 100% absorption. Yes 100%. I mean, whaaaaat!!! Imagine all those electrolytes, antioxidants, good fluids, vitamins and nutrients going straight to work, doing exactly what they’re meant to do. Benefits of IV Therapy with Reviv are endless, from the restoration of your general vitamin and nutrient balance, major upgrades in terms of your skins ability to let take what it needs to glow and shine as it’s meant to and not forgetting the overall advantage of a very empowering energy boost. 

Reviv is the real deal. Founded by four emergency room doctors who saw the need for general health boosters, such as IV therapies, to be more widely available to people and at a more affordable price point, it’s something you have to experience to believe. While understanding the underlying need and knowing it needed to be in a beautiful spa like setting instead of the miserable vibes we tent to associate with needles and drips around us, they began with an initial opening in Miami Beach in 2011 and have sine grown to a global level with spas in over 30 countries. Reviv also do genetic testing via understanding your DNA to help measure your genetic risk of serious illnesses and how to best avoid such onsets. Sports and nutrition testing alongside beauty and anti-ageing tests are also available as part of their DNA investigations. We spend so much on frivolous things in life yet what if investing in your mood, health, energy and the potential longevity of our lifespan is as easy as a trip to Reviv.. 

To book your IV Therapy session, visit revivme.com