Chic Gifts to Bring To a Dinner Party
Ensuring your of-course-its-home-made food is something of a spectacular delight, the company blends smoothly + the energy is flowing on the right frequency, there’s no doubt that hosting a dinner party is a whole thing. Yet being the guest who brings something interesting as a gift at such a dinner party is something of a thing too don’t you think. It can be difficult to know what to bring outside the obvious bottle of champagne or traditional box of chocolates, which of course are perfectly perfect too. It goes without saying that I get it, we’re alll in a rush, life is busy + perhaps you thought you had a bottle of great wine at home + so in rushing out the door, you realise a pit-stop at the off license is required en route. However in putting some thought into the act of preparation for you, I’ve compiled a selection of really chic + thoughtful gifts that go beyond the blatantly obvious options..
Parfum Discovery Selection Box — ROADS // €60
Palais De Tokyo Incense — ASTIER DE VILLATTE // €50
KEEP KISSING candle — ROADS // €65
Incense Holder — ASTIER DE VILLATTE // €95
The Creative Act; A Way of Being by Rick Rubin — SHOP HERE // €22
Fig Tree Candle — CLOON KEEN // €45
Chanel No.5, The Bath Soap — CHANEL // €35